That One Triangle Guava

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"Hey Mung!" Chowder walked into the kitchen. "What's going on in here?"

Mung Daal was seen next to an oversized prism-shaped guava with a faucet on. "Oh, hello there, Chowder! I'm just squeezing the juice out of this."

"Juice? Yum! Can I have some??" Chowder asked.

"I'm afraid not." Mung turned the faucet and only a few drops came out. "The well's gone dry."

Chowder looked confused. "Well? What well?"

"Well," Mung Daal explained, "this is a guava powered by creativity. And, unfortunately, I just can't think of anything."

"I can think of stuff!" Chowder beamed. "Um, a monkey pirate, a cyborg monkey pirate, a cyborg monkey pirate with three arms and bad breath fighting a sentient breath mint... mmm, make that three sentient breath mints... ooh! A big ball of baloney-"

"No, no, Chowder!" Mung Daal waved his hands frantically. "I'm not looking for your special brand of... creativity today. This is a story-based guava, one based on a fanfic the writer of this fanfic has been writing for a while."

Chowder went closer to the guava and licked it before shuddering. "It tastes tacky! What's wrong with it?"

"Well, Chowder, the story it's based off of-" Mung couldn't finish without being interrupted.

Chowder was now incredibly curious. "What's it about? Is it about a monkey pirate, a cyborg monkey pirate, a-"

"No Chowder, it's about The Owl House." Mung revealed.

Chowder's eyebrows furrowed in thought. "The Owl House? Isn't that the place we go for our bathroom supplies?"

"Not the Towel House, Chowder, The Owl House!" Mung exclaimed. "It's a serialized story-driven cartoon airing on... the Disney Channel."

Chowder gasped in horror. "THAT'S NOT WHERE OUR SHOW AIRS!!"

"Calm down, Chowder! I had to get used to it too!" Mung reassured before continuing to explain. "But for the purposes of this story, just put it past you."

Chowder still looked confused. "But wait, what's it about?"

Mung Daal turned to the other side of the room. "Schnitzel?"

Schnitzel walked into the room, and took a deep breath to explain to Chowder what The Owl House was all about. "Radda radda. Radda radda radda radda, radda radda. Radda radda radda. Radda radda. Radda! Radda radda radda. Radda radda radda radda radda... radda."

"Ohhhh, I get it now!" Chowder beamed, before curiosity overcame him. "Wait, so what's the issue with the guava anyway?"

Mung sighed. "Well, Chowder, I usually get my creative juices pumping from this every month or so. But right now, we're having a creativity drought! The next chapter's supposed to be about wacky sitcom shenanigans, but I can't even bring myself to write an outline!"

Schnitzel looked at Mung, deadpan. "Radda radda radda?"

"No, I don't usually write an outline!" Mung retorted. "But my point still stands that we need something to come out of this thing! It's our cash calzone! Our magnum fried oct-opus! Our deus ex marinara! It keeps the lights on!"

Chowder looked perplexed. "Wait, but you're not making any money from these."

"Metaphorically!" Mung exclaimed, patting the guava fondly. "It keeps me — and by 'me', I mean 'us' — relevant! This fanfiction wouldn't have nearly as much viewers if it wasn't for this baby!"

"I dunno, Mung..." Chowder looked at how many views this chapter currently has. "That doesn't seem like a high amount."

"It-it's a high amount for Wattpad!" Mung sputtered. "Only the most devoted of monkeyman2020 enjoyers are going to see this, so it's going to be a relatively small amount anyway!"

"Radda radda?" Schnitzel asked questioningly.

Mung rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know it's technically monkeyman2022, but monkeyman2020 was taken and I don't see how using it is gonna harm anyone!"

Schnitzel crossed his arms. "Radda radda, radda."

"No, you're getting defensive!" Mung pointed at Schnitzel angrily before taking a deep breath. "Anywho, what were we talking about again? Oh right, the guava's run dry."

Chowder looked at Mung in worry. "What are you gonna do about it, Mung?"

"I'm going to do the thing I always do when faced with decisions like these!" Mung turned around and started leaving the kitchen, before Chowder clung to his legs.

"BUT MUNG, YOU NEED TO FILL THE GUAVA, YOU JUST NEED TO, MUNG! PLEASE!!!" Chowder shrieked, before Mung yelled "ALRIGHT, alright, I get it! I'll think of a solution!"

Schnitzel piped up. "Radda radda radda radda?"

"In due time, Schnitzel." Mung insisted. "In due time."

Low Effort Vent-y Chowder FanficWhere stories live. Discover now