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Izuku scrubbed his hair with his towel heading to room after his shower. Walking into his room, he closes the door and throws himself onto his bed. Picking up his phone he began to scroll through reddit threads. A few years ago his threads would have been full of hero stories and people fanboying and fangirling over hero quirks and whatnot. Now it's full of art, scrapbooking, cooking, and sometimes a few nature related posts. He had stopped writing his Hero Analysis For The Future notebooks, though sometimes he'd type up a spread or two on the laptop his mother left lying around. She never used it so he didn't feel too bad about filling it with what he considered useless information. Sometimes he liked to indulge in his past vices when he had nothing more to do, that's all. Izuku was usually home alone pretty much permanently, so he had taught himself to cook. It was always just him for dinner anyway so he took to Youtube to learn recipes.

Luckily somewhere along the way cooking became a calming thing for him to enjoy and that's when he started looking for other hobbies. Mainly he was looking for inexpensive things to do at home, so he found art, cooking, and scrapbooking to be right up his alley. Especially seeing as it was basically what he had been doing all along with his old journals. The scrapbooking was a bit farfetched, but technically compiling info about heroes and drawing their costumes and possible upgrades to uniform and hero gear fell under journaling at least; and scrapbooking was a form of journaling he figured. These are how he came to find his new hobbies and explains the beginning of his reddit thread. As for the nature related posts he'd just been walking through the forest and exploring lately. There wasn't really much for him to do outside of his house that was free, and he'd rather not spend money to sit in a café by himself. Sometimes he'd get out of school and walk through the forest for 2 or 3 hours, listening to music. Occasionally he'd bring a few rice balls he had packed before school, and he'd sit and sketch the trees and the forest around him. It was always so quiet and peaceful in the forest. There were no interruptions there. No bullies and tormentors to run from. No reminders of being unwanted. No stares from those who thought him lesser for his lack of a quirk. It was just him and the forest and the life that resided within it and all three coexisted with each other in those times. It was honestly his safe haven and there was no where he felt safer.

There were a few pencil sketches and paintings on his feed as he scrolled. A few cakes and pies and the occasional picture of a flower, fruit, or vegetable plant. Eventually after a few hours of basically scrolling nothing he decided to get up to grab something out the fridge. Padding along to the kitchen he opens the fridge and scans the shelves. He had a pot of rice from the breakfast of eggs and rice he had that morning. There were two red apples left from a bag he had bought a previous week. A carton of milk and a container of eggs finished out the list of things in his fridge. Options were pretty lacking so he decided he'd go out to the convenience store and get something to snack on. He was wearing a t-shirt with a thumbs down on it and a pair of yellow shorts. He grabbed his wallet out if his room and slipped on a pair of sandals before he slipped out the door. He locked the door and headed down the stairs walking toward the corner store. It was dark outside and when he checked his phone it read 9:05 p.m.

It took only about 5 minutes, but he arrived to the store and walked inside. He walked through the aisles looking at the ramen flavors trying to decide whether he wanted any or not. He grabbed a ramen bowl and 3 triangle onigiri. After the cashier scanned his items his total came out to 680 yen. He grabbed his bag and headed back home. Once he got home he put the onigiri in the fridge for tomorrow and sat down to eat his ramen. When he went to bed that night the house was, as always, empty except for him.

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