But im not gay

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By the time bioth Fluentry and Spainsh realised where they were it was mourning and not knight time!!

''hUH??!1!!' Fluenttty worruyingly said. 'Where r we?!!' he tried to get up and felt Spansid resting his head on his chest. Fluentry startesd to blushe heavilliey,,,

"What the fr*ck are we doing.' Spandush looked up at the flute extremly confusd,,, but thern he saw Fluentys hot. and blusghed ReLLY HARD just like Fluetnty did,,,, 'what the h*ck r we siposed to do now???' Spanish siad and the n lokkd at Flugently

'hEY WATCH UR LANGEUAGE!!!!!' Fluegty screamed,,,,

Shapirnish strarted cryeing,,,,

'Oh no. plz stop,,,' Fluentk cried,,,, he couldent stand watching his crush-- best freind,,, cry!!!

Spanx continued to crei,,, until Fluenty pulled him up and hugged him,,,

Y whas he dong this???

Dose Fluentd like him? Spasnidh hoped that he did,,, he wante him s0 baf,,,,

'Fleuntly,,, dont stop... plz,,,' Spapnish said with tears streaming off if he. Eyes,,,,

Fleunty loked down at spainsh and started blusheing,,,

There faces movesd clsoer and closer unitill thehy both pushd away,,,,,,,,,

'Spasnish,,, i need to tel u sumthing,,,' Fleunty siad.

'Wut is it Fluenty,,??' he said quickpy.

Fleufnty hesittatted,,,, 'u saids no homo butt we slept togeter!!!' Spasish starked blusheing,,,,

"You mean like sleep, orrr..." but that made Fluently blush too! 'Omg,,, i dident mean like that!!' he saif sternlt. Amd Spanish lookd at him and busted out laughing. Fleutby loked at Spsaing and rann awey leaving Soanish behind,,,,,

'Fleuect,,, wait plz,,, im sorrey,,' Soanish grabbd on to Fleuntlys waist. Fluently lo,ked back at Spanish,,,

'Spa-pa-pss-span-spanish,,,?' Gluently softy said too Spsanish. 'Im leaveing ok??'

Spais look at him sofly and veeeeeeeery quietly say 'O----ok.'

The n fluenyl left Sidedish at tge park, in a sad Lidl puddle of redacted

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