Dealing With Braces

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Give it time. When you first get your braces they may not be what you expected or wanted. But after a while when your teeth start shifting you will notice how good they look. The pain will also go away a little while after each adjustment.

Stop worrying about how it looks and don't be afraid to smile . People might not even notice, but they will surely know that you're trying to hide something. So flash them, be proud of them! It will all be worth it in the end. You might also want to ask your orthodontist about clear brackets.

If you don't want to draw attention to your braces, smile with your mouth closed at first. But soon you will be comfortable smiling and showing your braces! Get your favorite colors and you'll find yourself smiling more.

Alter your mind set. Just remember that a lot of people have braces and you are not the only one who has to deal with them. Some people even say that they look hot! 

 Follow the rules for what you can eat. It will turn out so much better in the long run! It may be hard to resist those yummy foods, but think of how cool it will be when you're eating these foods with straight teeth! If your dentist gives you a paper on what foods you can and can't eat, use it. Here are some examples of what not to eat:

Gooey chocolate barsAny caramel or very sticky or chunky peanut butterHard candies and nutsEat corn chips carefully one at a time.Starbursts or taffyGummy bearsPopcorn.

Make sure not to drink a lot of soda or other sugary drinks. If you do it will leave spots on your teeth and will take a while to get off of your teeth. 

Ask your orthodontist about whether you can chew gum. Every orthodontist has their own opinion: some are afraid that wires will break, some are all right with chewing gum as long as it is sugar-free. In fact, some say it helps with the pain of braces, gets food out of them, and helps you get used to chewing. Ask your orthodontist what to do. 

 Do eat fruits with Vitamin C. They will help your gums.

Brush Your Teeth 3-5 times a day. This is easier if you have a purse and you can put a travel brush and some of those small sample-size toothpaste tubes in there. If you don't like brushing because you think negatively of it, think about how much nicer your teeth will look when the braces come off if you brush.

Be fastidious about cleaning your teeth. Gunk caught in your braces just looks nasty. A good electric toothbrush will clean it out. (Be careful if you have or get clear brackets. These are much more fragile than metal ones.)Invest in a Waterpik; they help clean your teeth.If you weren't already given one by your orthodontist, buy a small pick brush to clean between your braces. It makes it easier to get the bits of food from between your braces.

Floss your teeth, too. Learn to floss with braces on--your dental hygienist can show you how. It's terrible to spend all the time, money and pain getting your teeth straightened just to get cavities and gum disease.

If you can't handle the floss threaders, use floss that has the threader already attached!

Have regular check-ups with your orthodontist.
Don't skip appointments when you need your braces checked! This can extend the treatment period.

Relax.Lots of dentists warn not to eat items with a high quantity of sugar like ice cream and soft drinks, but don't stress about it too much; just limit it. However, too much sugar will rot away your teeth.

Dealing With Pain And Problems:

Make sure your braces are comfortable after your office visits. Before you leave your checkups, check with your finger to make sure your wires are not poking out of the back. It is not normal for your cheek to be tearing because of a poking wire. If something is poking, your orthodontist will be more than happy to trim it and save you the pain of an agitated cheek.

If they stick into your gums and start to tear at them, put some wax over the part that's sticking in. Your dentist will have some you can use.

Take pain killers to minimize the pain of braces after an adjustment. Ask your orthodontist which kind he or she recommends.

Don't be afraid to call your orthodontist when your braces are bugging you.
Chances are that it is a simple fix, and that is what orthodontists are there for.

Don't panic if a wire breaks! Just get a pair of nail clippers and clip the wire to where it is comfortable for your mouth. If the wire is sharp, you might want to file it down with a nail file or use orthodontic wax. Also, be sure to call your orthodontist very soon. A broken wire can increase how long you have to wear your braces. 

 Consider an appliance called a "bite plate" or a butterfly along with your braces, if your orthodontist recommends it. This is sort of like a retainer that helps your process go faster. Never, ever, ever pick at it or play with a bite plate, and always wear it as directed. If you don't, it may take a whole lot longer for your braces to come off.

If you also received a bite plate (like a retainer) from your orthodontist, be sure to put it in the case while eating when at your occupation. You don't want it to go in the trash can and have to dig through garbage to find it.

At the end of your treatment you will get a retainer that will hold your teeth in their new position. It is vital that you wear this! Otherwise, your teeth will move back into their original positions. 

Making The Most of Out Of Your Braces:

Accessorize them! Have different color bands put on; don't be afraid to make them your own unique accessory. 

 Think of it as jewelry for your teeth! Get them in your favorite colors and rock the fashion for teeth!

Ignore those who taunt you.
No one should be laughing at you since many celebs had braces like Tom Cruise who had to face the world whilst he was wearing braces but no one cared about them!

Play up your eyes to take the focus off your mouth!
Perhaps show how confident you are with your braces and your soon-to-be brilliant smile by adding shimmery lip gloss!

Concentrate on the future of yourself. Just remember that you're in orthodontic treatment to make your smile be brighter and straighter. Remember, every time you feel like the braces aren't worth it: These braces will give you a gorgeous smile with healthy, straight teeth, that you'll have for the rest of your life. It'll be worth it!

Take lots of pictures so that you can look back over your journey with braces.


If you play flute or any brass instrument, but especially trumpet, playing will chafe the inside of your lips and make them quite sore for a while. Usually, however, this goes away after you practice for a week or two and you'll feel fine. Try to avoid using wax when you play, however, as it will just lengthen the time it takes you to get used to playing with braces.If you notice that the wire on the top set or bottom set has gotten broken, see if you can position the wire back into the right place and if you can't fix the wire yourself, phone your local orthodontists to get you in for an emergency appointment to get your brace wires fixed.Before you get your braces on (when you go to the orthodontist) take medicine before so that it will take action right after they're on.When contemplating whether or not you should worry about a food, think about it. Most of the time if breaking your braces happens, it costs extra for the fix. Don't break food rules, even if you think it couldn't happen to you because it could.If the bracket/wire still hurts after you put wax on it, then it is probably the sharpness of the wire that is causing discomfort.

A/N: Tbh I get braces next Tuesday! For those people who wear braces, or are getting them, Follow these tips! And have a great day! 

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