School Emergency Kit

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Get a small bag that will fit anything that you need. You can use anything from a clutch purse to an extra pocket in your backpack, as long as everything you need fits in it.

Analyze past emergencies or discomforts that you've experienced at school.What would have helped you during those situations? Pack these items into your kit.

Gather any beauty products that you think you might need during the day.This can include:

Lip gloss: Use this when your lips are looking dull.Lip balm: Use this when your lips have lack of moisture. Apply this before you apply clear lip gloss for a great lip look.Cover up: If you have a problem with acne, this is a must-have.Blush: This is great for disguising any cover up that shows up against your skin.Small, travel-sized bottle of lotion: Use this if your skin is getting dry. A great essential for winter and fall.Hairbrush: If your hair gets messed up, use this.Try to get a miniature one to take up less room.Hair accessories: Just in case you forget to bring some or you are having a bad hair day.Compact mirror: This is a lot easier than rushing to the restroom every time you need a mirror.Sunscreen: This is essential on a hot, sunny day. This is the most important; a pimple or bad hair is nothing compared to sun exposure causing skin cancer and wrinkles!Mascara: In case you wake up late you'll have this.

Grab extra bottles of any medications you take and put them in your bag.Bring along your medication if you have allergies, rashes, asthma, etc. Many schools, with parental permission, will allow you to keep the medication with you while at school. 

Put any items into your bag that help you stay and feel clean, including:

Toothbrush and/or floss Who knows, you might need to use some. Just go to the sinks in the girl's bathroom and wash up!Hand Sanitizer Great for removing dirt from your hands, as well as protecting yourself from the virus that is going around. (Tip: Is there never any soap in the bathroom? Save an empty hand sanitizer bottle, rinse it, and fill with liquid soap. You'll always have it when you need it!)Deodorant you might forget or you may be sweating a little more than usual.Tampons or pads. You never know when you will get your period for the first time or if you're about to get it because you can start any time and it is good to be ready.Tissues. Tissues are great to have on hand when you have a cold and they work well to mop up spills. Look for travel sized packs that come with approximately 8 tissues each for added convenience.Breath mints Great for times that you forget to brush your teeth after eating garlic bread with lunch.

Consider also including some other things in your emergency pack, depending on how much room you have left in your bag. This might include:

Ten dollars. Money is great to have on hand for days when you forget field trip fees or lunch money. You might also want to bring some coins to school for use in vending machines and for city bus fare.Extra socks. It sounds silly, but you might need them for PE or if you begin to get a blister.Pencils/pens Use these utensils ONLY if you don't have anything else, and put it back in your kit.Safety Pins. You never know when a button is going to pop off your jeans.Food & Drinks Try to bring things that won't spoil, like a granola bar a bottle of water. Having food on hand is great, especially when you forget your lunch at home.Tips:Always check that the products have not expired. If they have expired, change them. Expired products may produce discomfort and cause health issues.If you don't want it to be obvious, try making a mini kit or using just the stuff you need.These items can also be put in a purse or locker, if you don't want separate bag.Remember to get miniature versions of every product. You should buy x2 for when you need a top up. You want to keep your emergency kit small to fit in your bag.

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