Note #20

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I carry worlds upon my back, 
A heavy load, no turning back. 
The eldest daughter, strong and sure, 
Expected always to endure.

The path I walk, no map in hand, 
I'm first to rise, the last to stand. 
A sister's guide, a parent's hope, 
I balance on a fragile rope.

They look to me when times are tough, 
As if my strength is always enough. 
But underneath this brave façade, 
I feel the cracks, the growing scar.

I shoulder burdens, hide my fears, 
I wipe away my quiet tears. 
The one who fixes, holds, and mends, 
But who is there when I descend?

I long to rest, to just be free, 
To shed this weight, to just be me. 
But still I stand, because I must— 
The eldest daughter, built from trust.

In silence, I'll keep carrying on, 
Though nights are long and strength is gone. 
For in my heart, I've come to see, 
This weight I bear is all of me.

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