Note #23

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I long to see my name in lights,
To shine in dawn and starry nights.
To echo far beyond these walls,
To feel the world's embrace, its calls.

I dream of crowds, of voices loud,
Of making waves within the crowd.
To touch the hearts of those unknown,
To plant a seed where dreams have grown.

I want my story, bold and clear,
To reach across both far and near.
To leave a mark that time will trace,
A legacy, a lasting place.

To be a name that travels far,
A guiding light, a shining star.
To feel the thrill of wide acclaim,
And know the world has learned my name.

For in this quest, my heart will soar,
To touch the sky, to reach the shore.
I seek the world, its endless view,
To make my mark, to start anew.

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