Note #27

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I watch them laugh, a world apart,
A bond they share, a single heart.
Their secrets whispered soft and low,
In spaces where I cannot go.

Once I was the guide, the light,
Their older sister, strong and bright.
But now I stand, a step away,
An outsider in their endless play.

I feel the distance, sharp and clear,
Their closeness growing year by year.
I long to join, to share their glee,
But something holds them back from me.

Perhaps they think I wouldn't care,
That I've outgrown what they now share.
But deep inside, I feel the sting—
The loss of being in their ring.

I love them still, with all my might,
But it's a lonely kind of light.
To watch them form a world their own,
While I remain a little grown.

I hope one day they'll let me in,
To bridge the gap, to start again.
For though I'm left out, here I'll stay,
Their sister, always, come what may.

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