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Hello, readers! This story, To My Darkside, is the sequel to Into Another World, so if you haven't read that, I suggest you do so!

There will be trigger warnings at the start of every chapter (only ones that need them) to avoid reading anything that might upset/disturb anyone reading this story.

This story is much more violent/gory/dark than the first one and it takes place in our world. Kura and Rykel's relationship is extremely similar to Venom/Eddie's, so if you are a Symbrock/Veddie fan, this book is for you!

Please feel free to comment anything you want, as long as the comments are respectful. I am specifically looking for someone to talk with/beta read my story, so I can make this story better/more intriguing and fix any errors I have made throughout the book. Please feel free to give me ideas for scenes/chapters as this is my first draft and will need some touching up here and there.

Thank you for reading!

Humans are complex creatures.

Kuragari figured this out very quickly, the first time it had attempted to bond with a human host. It wasn't like it took the demon a long time to learn about the human nervous system, respiratory system, circulatory system, organs, muscles, skeletal structure, or anything else.

That was what it was designed to do: adapt to a host body as soon as possible, in order to survive. Despite its quick adaptations, though, the man's body wasn't a good enough match with its needs. The body allowed Kura to stay alive, yes. It could feed off the chemicals in the man's brain, yes. But his body fought against the demon's presence the whole time it inhabited him. It was no wonder he didn't last after Kura left him behind. Humans were fragile.

But even all the physical, physiological complexities it had learned about paled in comparison with the emotional ones. That, Kura only began to figure out when it found Rykel. When it realized what a perfect host Rykel was ... and then when it realized it wanted Rykel to be more than just another host to use and then leave behind. But if that was what it wanted, it needed to know how to keep Rykel healthy. No, not just healthy. Happy. That, in turn, meant paying careful attention to everything it learned about her, both from her mind and from direct experience.

The demon had been spending time getting to know Rykel over the night ever since they had been reunited after the short but worrisome split. It had been ... rewarding, so far. Rykel's body was no longer fighting the demon on any significant level, and as for Rykel herself, she clearly wanted this bond to succeed, too. After all, she was the one who had sought Kura out.

Kura rumbled quietly as its mass slithered through Rykel's bloodstream, her nerves. Rykel was perfect. A perfect host, a flawless vessel. Not to mention the first real person that had allowed Kura in willingly. All the others... they fought and battled and built up walls. But Rykel... the transformation had been immediate.

Even if she hadn't realized it at first, Rykel had opened up her heart to the demon the very first time they met. Kura could sense her awe, her fascination, her longing.

It was as if Rykel had been waiting for Kura all along, unknowingly yearning for the connection that would ultimately bind them. Kura reveled in this newfound intimacy, weaving through the intricacies of Rykel's emotions, drinking in the flavors of her thoughts like a fine wine.

Kura began to explore the depths of Rykel's soul, each memory a treasure trove of light and shadow. They shared laughter and tears, secrets and dreams. Kura could feel Rykel's ambitions bubbling beneath the surface, her desire for greatness, her struggle with self-doubt. It was intoxicating, this dance of consciousness, as Kura gently nudged Rykel toward the edges of her potential.

But with every sweet moment of connection came the darker shadows of fear and regret. Kura could sense the weight of Rykel's past, the scars left by betrayal and loss. The deeper they ventured into this symbiotic relationship, the more Kura understood that it wasn't just about feeding off Rykel's energy; it was about healing, too.

Kura had always been a creature of chaos, thriving on the tumult of human emotions. Yet, with Rykel, there was an unexpected calmness that soothed Kura's restless essence. Rykel's vulnerability invited Kura to explore a side of itself it never knew existed—a desire to protect, to nurture, to guide.

Oh, there was still chaos. There would always be chaos, but now that both of their essences were combined, Kura was able to figure out a balance: something warm, something tasteful, something... harmonious. It was a melody composed of contrasting notes—Rykel's fierce determination intertwined with Kura's wild spirit, a duet that resonated on a frequency both exhilarating and serene. In this partnership, Kura found not only sustenance but a sense of purpose that transcended mere survival.

While Rykel was a suitable vessel, Kura stumbled across an element that delighted it greatly. It shone brighter than the rest, a huge glaring sign that drew the demon in like a fish on a line. Kura grinned wickedly, its white blood rushing through its veins as excitement filled its being.

Rykel had a very dark mind.

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