Hannibal/Will - The Devil Before Me

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(Trigger warning, Canon typical violence. Blood, death...if you like Hannibal you shouldn't need a trigger warning honey)

(This is literally just me practicing stuff I’ve learnt in my course so far, enjoy anyway)

The house she had seen a thousand times in her life stood in front of her mocking her as a reminder betrayal. 

The large structure used to make her feel comforted and safe, Will and Hannibal always having drinks together with her, laughter and deep conversations. 

Now, it was a stark reminder of the lies she had been fed…similar to a few human livers she had probably digested by now. Her worn  boots trudged along the stone path that had probably been carved out by her own footsteps over the years. 

She felt the cool touch of the pistol tucked into the back of her jeans, making her feel even more confident as she slowly opened the large ornate door. 

‘He lied, Will lied…they both lied.’ She reminded herself over and over, betrayal slowly turning her heart into nothing more than an organ to pump venom through her veins. 

The hallways were silent, nothing but the sound of her shoes against hardwood floor, her heart pounding as she braced herself to stare the devil in his cold eyes. He would be expecting her, she knew he would be. 

She opened the doorway to the dining room, the scent of blood and sweat hitting her nose, a contrast to the usual smell of mahogany and expensive wines. 

Her eyes followed a path of blood until her eyes met the ones of the man she once loved, he sat there, covered in blood and bruising, arms bound behind him to a wooden chair, his tired eyes met hers. 

He shook his head and started to beg her…or maybe even a god he knew didn’t exist.

“Get out, please. Go, go!”

She remained still, staring at him in disgust as she heard footsteps behind her, knowing exactly who it was from the sound and pattern. 

The devil spoke behind her.

“Perhaps I underestimated you.” His voice which once made her feel at ease now made a shiver run down her spine. 

“Perhaps you did, Hannibal.” She replied, trying her hardest to not turn and shoot her ex friend in the gut. 

She ignored the devilish presence behind her and walked forward towards Will. 

“You were in on it too, weren’t you? You knew he killed her.” She said as Will looked up into her eyes, guilt bubbling up in his throat. 

“Yes… I helped him.” Will said. 

Her eyes turned cold as she glared at him picturing her best friend being killed by the man she loved, any love she ever had for Will was gone as soon as she stepped foot in this place. 

This whole time Will had been lying to her, holding her hand while she grieved the death of her best friend...when in reality he was the reason for her death. 

“You love him, don’t you?” 

“Please, just try to…”

“Answer the question!”

“Yes! Yes, I do!” 

The devil still stood behind her, a smirk on his face as he watched the man he had turned into nothing more than a puppet confess his love for him. 

“It was rather touching to watch you fall in love with him. Your once innocent heart now corrupt and darkened by the truth. You’re hurting, aren’t you, little one?” Hannibal taunted, his body closer to hers now. 

“Innocent.” She said, letting out a dry laugh. 

“It seems I’ve fooled you both then.” She said, reeling her leg forward and then thrusting it back to kick in Hannibal’s knee. 

With a gruntled cry he fell to his knees, her hand grasping the pistol and pointing it at his head. 

“If you kill me, my dear. Does that make you any better than I? To become a killer is a big leap, one you aren't strong enough to take.” He said, a small smirk on his face, he wasn’t afraid of a fragile doll like her. 

“It’s sweet that you think this would make me a killer…truly naive to think I haven’t already killed.” With the pistol gripped in her hand she quickly turned, shooting Will in the ribs causing him to cry out in pain. 

“No!” Hannibal shouted, his facade cracking. 

She turned back to Hannibal, a wicked smile on her face that he had never witnessed. 

“Is that emotion I hear in your voice? Do you care for him like you pretended to care for me?” She said, her knuckles turning white from gripping the pistol so tightly. 

“You were just a bargaining tool, my dear. Don’t take it to heart.” He said, he moved quickly, a blade in his hand as he swiped at her, slicing diagonally down her face. 

With a scream she grasped at her face in pain before Hannibal grabbed the pistol from her and aimed at her. With a hand over her face, blood poured from the deep gash and a wicked laugh escaped her mouth as her one good eye looked into the devils eyes. 

He pulled the trigger, a shocked expression washing over his face when he realised there were no bullets. 

“Oops.” She muttered, her manic laughter filling the room. 

A voice came from behind her, exhausted and close to death. 

“Stop… Please, I’m sorry.” Will spoke as she slowly turned around, taking her hand off her face and letting her blood fall freely, not caring that her eye might fall to the ground at this point. 



Her laughs grew louder as she stared at him. 

“Sorry doesn’t bring her back!” She screamed like a wounded coyote before she felt a sharp pain in her torso, Hannibal’s arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her against him, a knife plunged into her stomach. 

“Shh.” He whispered, his voice soothing as she gripped his hand that held the blade. 

“I really did enjoy our time together, my dear.” He whispered into her ear as she chuckled breathlessly. 

“So did I.” She said before forcing his hand to rip the blade out of her stomach, she disarmed him easily just as Will had showed her, plunging the blade into his neck. 

She laughed, staring into his eyes as he gasped for air. 

“Save a spot for me in hell, you son of a bitch.” She hissed, forcing the blade across his throat, severing as many arteries as she could. 

He fell to the ground, sounds of struggling and gasping coming from him as she turned to Will, gripping the almost dead man by the hair. 

“Watch!” She screamed, forcing his face towards Hannibal who lay dying on the ground. 

He let out a strangled sob, her blood dripping from her face onto his as he watched his love die on the ground in front of him. 

She let go of his hair and watched Will slump against the chair, taking his last few breaths. 

She knelt down and moved forward, pressing a soft kiss to his cold lips.

“Only the devil can judge you now.” She whispered, a smile forming on her face as she watched his eyes drain of any sign of life. 

With a laugh she fell flat on the floor, the blood loss clouding her vision as a warm feeling crept through her body. 

The one eye she had left looked at the devils lifeless body and she let out a small laugh. 

“See you soon.”

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