CHAPTER 37 - Mikha's Resolve

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She couldn't cry. She was hurt but had no energy left to cry. Her head was dizzy and the buzzing inside her ears didn't stop.

It hurt. It really, truly, deeply hurt.

She thought Mikha was different, what they had was real and she'd love her no matter what.

I was wrong, huh?

Aiah gathered herself together. She breathed the oxygen inside and out her lungs to calm down. "So be it," she encouraged herself. It wasn't the first time for her being thrown out because of her terrible past so she's used to it. She had to get used to it.

With all the dignity she had left, she collected all her stuff. She was so lost in her mind, replaying the moments she had with Mikha, all the bad and good memories. She didn't regret it, not even a second she could regret it.

She should've seen this coming. Mikha reacted really badly when the incident with that certain guy happened before. It was a misunderstanding but she disappeared–not really disappeared since they met at the hospital for a couple minutes, for days but still, without communication whatsoever.

So what did she expect? Her past was horrible, she was a horrible person and now she had to accept it if Mikha finally lost it.

Every beginning has an end. So did their relationship. She'd move on, someday, and when she looks back to this certain time, it'd be a precious lesson.

"Done packing?" Mikha leaned at the door frame with her arms folded in front of her chest.

You really can't wait to kick me out?

"A bit more." she replied shortly.

Aiah sped up the cleaning. It wasn't possible to pack everything in such a short amount of time. She was about to ask Mikha's permission to leave half of her stuff here when she felt a soft peck on her right cheek.

Her eyes bulged wide as she gasped at the sudden intimate contact.

"I think that is enough for tonight." she spoke calmly.

Mikha took Aiah's hand in hers. Nothing had changed, the way she held her hand, it was the same firm yet gentle and protective grip.

Aiah felt like she was being hypnotized. What was with all this chaos? She followed Mikha's lead without questioning or complaining. Her brain was paralyzed, she couldn't process anything.

She blinked a couple times before realizing that she was standing in the middle of Mikha's bedroom.

Mikha stroked Aiah's unnoticeable scar tenderly. Her eyes were dim and tired.

"I have a creepy confession to make," Mikha said with a low voice hoarsely.

"There are many nights that I couldn't sleep. I toss and turn around over and over again but I still can't sleep. So then, I get out to stare at your door, your dark room by the ventilation, for hours. I never peek inside your room, I swear. I also sometimes stick my ear to your door hoping to hear your steady breathing. I'm not a creepy person, I can guarantee you that. I just miss you too much and you're just a door away from me, I can't help myself." the way she spoke, it was more like she's vomiting all the words she'd been keeping inside without too much thought

Mikha leaned in and attached her lips onto Aiah's. The latter froze, she couldn't kiss her back.

"Kiss me please, bubby," Mikha pleaded, she kissed her again. "Don't leave me, I beg you. Kiss me." she whispered.

Aiah felt her cheeks dampened. She cupped Mikha's face and detached their joined lips.

"Bubby..." Mikha started to sob. "Please don't go. I love you, I can't– I won't survive without you. Please." she begged again. "I don't care about what they say, I don't care even if the world hates you. I love you, don't leave, please."

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