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I was arranging the dishes for us to eat. Kamala ma'am and Muthaiya sir had been talking about their life, sharing stories about their past. Kamala ma'am talked about the early days of her marriage, teasing me occasionally, making me look down to hide my red cheeks, especially as I remembered what had just happened in the room.

What happened to him?

I was setting the plates. Kamala ma'am had made idlis today with my favorite pudina (mint) chutney and sambar. It’s her special recipe, one she never shares with anyone. Every time I ask for it, she says, "Whenever you want to eat, come here. I won’t give my recipe to anyone." It’s her way of ensuring I visit often.

"Vanga, vanga Murugan! Vanga sapidalam." (Come, come, Murugan! Let’s eat.) Muthaiya sir called out, but I didn’t turn around as I continued serving food on their plates.

Murugan sat down, looking a little confused. He was new here. I plated him some idlis with sambar and chutney, then sat down to serve myself.

“So, Murugan, where are you from?” Kamala ma'am asked.

“I’m from the west part of the village. I lived with my mother there, but after my sister got married, we moved back to our ancestral home,” he said.

“The west part, huh? I had a friend there named Karthikeyan. He owned the land near the Murugan temple,” Muthaiya sir said.

“Oh, that’s my father,” Murugan replied, and Muthaiya sir’s face lit up with joy.

“I see! Karthikeyan and I were childhood friends, but we lost touch when my family had to move to another city. I heard about his passing recently. I’m very sorry for your loss,” Muthaiya sir said, and the mood turned a bit somber.

“Try the mint chutney, Murugan. Radha loves it,” Kamala ma'am said. I saw Murugan smile as he tasted it, his eyes widening in appreciation.

"It’s really good. No wonder she likes it,” he said.

“Then have some more, Murugan,” Kamala ma'am said, and I glared at her as she offered him my chutney.

“Hey, don’t glare at me! You always eat it. He’s new here,” she teased. Murugan laughed, and I couldn’t help but smile too.

“Don’t you dare steal my girl’s chutney, Kamala, and give it to that boy. She loves it and eats it excessively,” Muthaiya sir joined in, teasing me.

“Sir…” I whined, making everyone laugh at my expense.

After dinner, Muthaiya sir and Murugan offered to clean up, while Kamala ma'am and I sat on the balcony, talking about school.



“I heard about the marriage, Murugan. About how it happened,” Muthaiya sir said after clearing his throat. I stopped midway through washing a plate.

“I wasn’t happy with how both sides convinced the marriage to happen, especially as someone close to Radha. I want to hear your thoughts on your life together,” he said. I dried my hands with a kitchen towel.

“I understand, sir. I tried not to force anything on her, but it was my grandmother’s wish, and both families couldn’t deny it. Despite the circumstances, I deeply respect Radha as a person and as my wife. I’m committed to giving this marriage a real chance, and I’m determined to do the right thing,” I said, meeting his gaze.

He looked at me for a moment, then nodded. “Life is difficult for everyone, in its own way. The easy path might bring temporary happiness, but the hard path—the one where you stand and fight—leads to lasting joy. I believe you understand this,” he said, patting my shoulder.

I nodded, smiling. The rain outside hadn’t stopped yet. We finished cleaning and joined the women. I sat close to Radha, noticing how she stiffened slightly.

We talked for a while before they decided to go to bed. After a moment of silence, I said, “Let’s go,” and she nodded without meeting my eyes.

I followed her to our room. Once the door was closed and we were under the covers, I pulled her closer and gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

“Good night, di pondatti (my wife),” I whispered, closing my eyes. I could feel her breathing heavily for a few minutes before she turned towards me, moving closer into my arms. I held her, and it was the best sleep I’d had in a long time.

The morning light woke me up. I had to get up early for work in the fields. Radha was still asleep, resting peacefully in my arms. I gently kissed her forehead and went to freshen up.

When I came back, she was already awake. We got ready, thanked Kamala ma'am and Muthaiya sir for their hospitality, and headed back to our home.

The ride was quiet.

Once we were back in our room, Radha asked, “Are you going to the field today?”

I nodded.

“I’ll come with you. It’s been a while, and I’d like to see my dad,” she said, heading to the bathroom.

“Sure,” I replied. We didn’t talk about what had happened the previous night, though I wanted to discuss it. I just needed some time to gather my thoughts.

Radha was wearing a beautiful blue saree with a red border, and it looked great on her. We had breakfast and headed to the fields. Everyone there knew us from childhood, and I kept glancing back to make sure she didn’t fall while navigating the narrow paths between the fields.

She greeted everyone warmly, like they were family. We always treat those who work for us like our own. Mathammal Amma, a woman as old as my grandmother, welcomed us with a warm smile and blessed us.

“Padhinarum petru peru vazhvu vazhga (May you be blessed with all 16 types of wealth and lead a prosperous life),” she said.


These blessings refer to 16 types of wealth, which include knowledge, wisdom, long life, strength, youth, courage, honor, and more. Her words meant a lot to us, especially after we lost our loved ones. Her blessings felt like they carried the love of those we’d lost.

I smiled, seeing Radha’s eyes watering, likely thinking the same.


Note: Please share your thoughts in the comments and let me know if the 16 blessings resonate with your traditions. How are you liking the story so far?

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