Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Andy’s P.O.V

After dropping Danny off at his bus I made my way back down to the door to Juliet who was waiting outside the bus smoking a cigarette, I took a deep breathe before going outside. She was facing away from me and i watched as smoke surround her, i coughed slightly making my presence known before walking up to her “Do you want me to walk you to your bus?” I asked her as I lit a cigarette of my own, she span round to look at me and nodded with a smile, my knees went weak again and i smiled back at her. “Come on then, let’s go” I said tapping her shoulder lightly.

We walked quietly and I was filled with curiosity at what Danny had told her earlier about a white rabbit and why had he pointed at me? How am i a white rabbit? I turned my head to look at her with a half smile, contemplating whether I should ask her or not, but I couldn’t resist “Jul..?” I dragged out the word, she looked up at me and i watched as she arched an eyebrow “Yes?” she asked sounding slightly worried, “Erm, why is Danny saying I’m a white rabbit?” I asked her as I took another drag on my cigarette, she laughed nervously and cleared her throat before answering me “Well, it’s a bit of a long story, and Danny is just being superstitious” she beated around the bush, I nodded still not satisfied with her answer “Yeeah? I’ve got time” I told her crossing my arms while we walked, I watched her as she sighed “Your not going to give up on this are you?” She asked me, I shook my head at her, not saying anything so that she could get to the point quicker, she sighed again and started to talk “Alright.. okay, its about a dream i keep having” she started to talk, looking fairly uncomfortable talking about something so private, I felt bad for pressuring her but it had something to do with me so I was intrigued. She then continued “I dream about getting a white rabbit” she finally admitted and peeked up at me, her face crumpled with embarrassment and she took a deep breath. “And, Danny is saying I’m the white rabbit you get?” I asked to try and clarify what she was saying, she looked even more uncomfortable and sucked on her cigarette obviously trying to busy herself, “I think so, but who knows, he’s drunk” She spoke quietly while blowing out the smoke.

We arrived at her bus, and i was still unsure as to what Danny was hinting at, I could take a very good guess though. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow” I stopped infront of her and smiled. She stared at me, not really moving and then took a step closer to me “Good night Andy” she whispered, My knees nearly completely gave way and it took all my strength to still stand there “Good night Juliet” I whispered back. She then wrapped her arms round me quickly embracing me in a tight hug I slightly wrapped my arms round her breathing in her scent on flowery perfume and cigarette smoke, I smiled contently.

After I’d left her i collapsed in my bunk unable to get Juliet out of my head.

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