Chapter 9

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Chapter 9-Juliets POV

(I know its a filler but the plot is about to get interesting, I promise, just please keep reading and telling me what you think, it's very much appreciated)

I awoke to the shimmering light breaking through the window, and the soft snoring coming from beside me, I rolled over to catch a glimpse of Andy, his long, black hair spread out across the pillow and his bare chest was revealed, I smiled at his sleeping state and shuffled myself over to him, i wrapped my arms around his torso and nestled my head against his chest, he was warm and although he was skinny, his chest was still comfortable to rest on. The memories of last night were still fresh in my mind and I grinned cheekily when I thought about it, Andy's chest raised and fell beneath my head and the sound of his heartbeat was comforting, I could feel myself drifting off again and I was about to fall asleep before I felt Andy's lips press against my forehead, I smiled widely and lifted my face to look into his big blue eyes, he was smiling and had a tired look "Morning beautiful" he smirked through his words and bought his hand onto my back and rubbed small comforting circles on my lower back. "Morning handsome" I replied as I shut my eyes and breathed in his scent. I trailed my nail along some of the tattoos on his arm, smiling as I traced the colourful patterns on his forearms.

Something just felt so right about waking up next to him, being in his arms & having him kiss me awake. It was all so sweet, and different. I'd never experienced such intense feelings this early on in a relationship, it was actually scaring me slightly. But the fact that he made me feel so alive, like he'd put the passion back into my life, overruled all the negative feelings.

We had an hour to get back to the buses, it became a mad rush to find clothes, make the bed and get out of the hotel to be on time. We only just made it, then the hectic day began, after setting up tents and doing several interviews and signings, I had already received a total of 9 messages from Andy, they were all silly little jokes, or about how bored he was, by the time my set rolled around I spotted him standing at the back of the tent, smiling and singing along to every song, and all the kids reactions were incredible.

"WERE BLACK VEIL BRIDES" Andy's voice called out over the speakers as I ran towards the stage they were playing at. I pushed my way through some of the crowd, staying around the edge to avoid being thrown into any of the forming pits around me. I finally made it to the front and stood next to some girls that looked about my age, they weren't screaming like the rest, they were smiling and looked extremely proud. One had crazy purple and red hair, while the other was just blonde. I said a small 'Hi' to them and I could have sworn that I recognized the one with purple and red hair but for the life of me I couldn't remember where from. Song after song played and I found myself singing along to each track that played, getting lost in the music and blushing every time Andy smiled, pointed or winked at me. The girls stood beside me gave a knowing smile every time this happened but still never said anything.

When their set finished I made my way backstage to meet them, to my surprise the girls I'd stood with during the show where there too, each were slinked around a guy, the blonde was all over Ash and the purple & red headed one was being hugged by Jinxx, so that must be how I recognized her. They gave me warm smiles when Andy sauntered up to me with a child-like grin and placed a kiss against my lips, I kissed him back, completely oblivious to the small crowd gathered by us. And heard someone scoff at us Andy pulled away and wrapped his arm around my waist, his black war-paint was smudging with the sweat on him caused by the hot summer day, it was rubbing onto my top and I gave him a joking disgruntled look, which he was completely oblivious to as he looked round at his friends CC scoffed again and smirked "Well, that didn't take long, did it?" he asked as he winked at Andy, I didn't know whether to laugh or be offended, I halfheartedly smiled at him as Andy shot him a look, CC held his hands up in surrender and smirked again "WHAT? I could just tell you really liked her" he explained himself and I titled my head to look up at Andy who had a blush creeping over his cheeks, it wasn't noticeable because of the black paint covering his features but in close proximity it was quite obvious he was embarrassed by CC's remark. 

"Hey we should all hang out tonight?" Jake shouted to catch our attention, his answer was followed by a chorus of "Yeah's" and "sure's" I nodded along as they sorted out details. Then the boys kissed their respective girls, and Andy gave me a tight hug and quick peck before they each dispersed to go clean themselves, I took this free time to go hang out with my brother and catch up with him before getting sorted for tonight.

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