Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-Juliet’s P.O.V

Danny was right. He always was. And now that Andy knew what he was talking about I’d never felt so embarrassed in my life, when I wasn’t even sure of my feelings and someone talking about it like that before I was even clear about what I felt, just makes everything a lot more difficult.

Collapsing on my bunk in an exhausted heap I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, that was proving more difficult then i thought though, with Andy clouding my mind it was difficult to sleep, I finally gave up and grabbed my phone, with intentions of phoning my sister. I was otherwise distracted when I saw a message on my phone, My eyes flicked over the message in a hurry and i gasped, clasping my hand over my mouth. No, no, no! This is not happening i thought to myself, as I started to stress. There was no way I was sleeping now, how could I? I felt so bad, I knew this was a bad idea from the start.

By 5am I gave up on sleep and climbed out of bed, still gripping my phone  tightly and reading the message I had received over and over again ‘Hey Juliet, I’m going to be at warped tomorrow, It would be great to see you again- Love scout’ I bit my nails in a frenzy as I paced up and down the bus, unaware of what to do and certainly unaware of if I should reply or not. If she found out I’d even spoken to Andy let alone possibly have feelings for him, she would most definitely flip out.

I spent the whole day worrying, but so far I hadn’t seen her, not until I walked up on stage. She was in the first row, her bright red hair glimmering in the warm sun. I was filled with guilt, she was all smiles and waves, but i couldn’t summon up the strength to even fake a smile. I introduced myself and played a few songs, she was filming the set still waving and singing along, I felt so bad, after my second song I bent down to pick up my bottle of water before i started talking again, when i put my bottle back down something backstage caught my eye, A tall figure with long black hair, waving awkwardly at me, Oh crap its Andy this couldn’t possibly get any worse. I finished the set, thanked the crowd quickly and scurried off stage. I pushed Andy’s chest so that he was completely out of sight from the crowd, hoping to god that Scout hadn’t seen him. “Hey, what you doing?” He asked gripping onto my wrists “Scouts out there!” I whispered pushing him further back stage. “Oh fuck, really?” He asked in bewilderment, his eyes wide. He let go of my wrists and ruffled his hair I became aware of the fact that I was still standing very close to him, I coughed and stepped backwards, handing my guitar to a sound technician. “We should probably get out of here then!” He said looking around cautiously, I nodded in agreement and pulled his forearm leading him to an exit at the back. 

Pushing the door open I lead him out to a big field and down the small sand path to the buses, his long legs made his strides wider then mine and i had to walk quickly to catch up with him. We stopped infront of his bus as he opened the door and gently pushed me inside. The bus was empty and it was kind of messy, but that was to be expected from 5 guys on tour, plus crew. I span round to face him with a small smile “Do you want a drink?” His deep voice asked as he pointed to the sofa and nodded, I took that as i sign that i could sit down, so I did, trying to make myself comfortable “Yeah, water would be great please” I told him and watched as he came towards me with a bottle of water “Thanks” I whispered as he sat down next to me.

I took a deep breath in relief that Scout hadn’t seen us, and I took a sip of my water. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Andy watching me, with that crooked smile of his, I felt my cheeks burning up, in an attempt to hide that I played with my fringe so that it was covering what he could see of my face, I could hear him chuckling and I looked up to glare at him “What are you laughing at?” I asked, jokingly angry, “Nothing..” He replied still with a grin on his face, I rolled my eyes at him and took another sip of water, “I have a real effect on you don’t I?” He asked, his voice quiet, and serious. His words made me choke on my drink, spluttering my water was rather embarrassing, I coughed to clear my throat and tried to answer him, “I erm, what do you..mean?” I asked, still recovering from the initial shock, I watched as he smirked at me, he obviously didn’t need me to say anything, my reaction was enough to convince him that his accusation was true. I just looked up at him feeling defeated and nodded slightly, not being able to bring myself to look him in the eyes.This resulted in me staring at his lips, not intentionally. He stopped smiling and pressed his lips together, the corners upturned  and he was pouting slightly. The butterflies in my stomach were unbearable, I felt like I was going to explode.

I finally looked up into his eyes, those bright blue eyes that seemed like they could see into my mind, he stared straight into my eyes, not looking away once, then he parted his lips and started to talk “You have an effect on me too..” His voice was barely audible even though his face was only inches from mine, my cheeks were hot and most definitely red, out of the corner of my eye I could see him raising his hand to my cheek, his thumb brushed across my skin, his cool touch sent shivers down my spine, I felt frozen on the spot, hypnotized by his eyes as the gap between our faces closed in, He leaned forward slowly, so slowly it ached, I leaned in and closed my eyes, his lips brushed against mine softly, as his hand trailed to the back of my neck and he rested it there as I felt him press his lips harder against mine, I kissed him back and placed my hand on his chest, his lip ring trailed across my bottom lip and I shivered slightly, my mind was a mess, I couldn’t think clearly, not that I wanted to, the butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach as we continued to kiss, his soft lips moving against mine, for a few more movements before I felt him pull away, he kept his face close to mine and his hot breath tingling against my skin, I fluttered my eyes open and looked into those blue, oceanic circles. We were both smiling widely. He moved his lips up towards mine again I sunk into the kiss as he played with my hair a little, until we were interrupted by a loud knock at the door, I pulled away from him quickly and snapped my head quickly to the side to look at the door, we watched as the handle moved down and he grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it tightly.

Andliet- White Rabbit & Dragonfly.Where stories live. Discover now