Chapter 8

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Hey guys, sorry It took so long but here is Chapter 8, also, just for Angela (sulietjimms) there is abit of smut in this chapter, enjoy!

Chapter 8-Juliets POV

I rummaged through suitcase after suitcase trying to find something nice to wear, but it was no use, I settled on a white summer dress and curled the ends of my hair. A loud knock sounded on the metallic door of the bus and I skipped through the bus to open it, greeting Andy with a wide smile I let him step onto the bus as I grabbed my bag “You look lovely” he complimented when I stood in front of him, my cheeks went hot and I knew they were a bright shade of crimson by the way he smirked at me. “Thankyou, you look as handsome as ever” I told him, smiling widely. He smiled back at me but said nothing, instead he held his arm out gesturing for me to link mine in his and he lead me off the bus.

We walked out of the warped site and made our way through the busy town. People were everywhere and quite a few recognized Andy, we stopped about 3 times for him to sign things and take pictures, I didn’t mind but a few girls continued to follow us, he turned to face me and mouthed “I’m sorry” as the three girls giggled from a few paces behind us. “Don’t apologize” I nodded at him and entwined my hand in his as we walked. He held tightly onto my hand and stroked the back of my hand with his thumb, it made my insides flutter and a wide smile to form on my lips.

We walked a little further before stopping outside of a small Italian restaurant. He held the door open for me and bowed as I walked through, I curtseyed a ‘Thank-you’ to him as we walked up to a waiter that was holding two menus “Reservation for two, under the name Biersack” Andy informed the smartly dressed man and we were then shown to a small table in the corner of the restaurant , it had a candle and some roses in a vase, on a red table sheet, a white plate and silver cutlery, “This is very nice” I smiled up at Andy as he walked up behind me to hold my chair out for me “Thankyou” I said as I sat down and watched him sit down opposite me. “Anything for my lady” Andy smiled cockily obviously feeling very proud of himself, I giggled and arched an eyebrow at his words “Your lady?” I asked smirking “Well.. aren’t you?” his cocky smile was gone and he actually looked a little nervous, “Do you want me to be?” I asked flirting with him a little. “Ofcourse” He piped up again and winked at me, butterflies hit me again and I blushed. “Well, I would love to be your lady” I told him boldly and winked back “And I would love to be your man” He said just as boldly as I had.

Andy reached his hand across the table and played with my fingers tracing the tattoo that covered the section of my hand next to my thumb, before entwining his fingers in mine and squeezing my hand gently. “I want to kiss you again” he confessed looking deep into my eyes. I couldn’t help myself from giggling like a teenage girl on their first date, Andy was different to the other guys I’d dated, he was more fun, and for his age, he was very mature. I leaned across the table slightly so that my face was closer to his and whispered “I want to kiss you too” in response to my words he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine, softly, lingering them on my lips for a few moments as I kissed him back. I pulled away with a smile on my face but he didn’t move, he just smiled. The the waiter came over and took our orders. Andy was still holding my hand as we waited for the food to arrive “I’m sorry about Scout earlier” he apologized for what seemed like the millionth time. “Andy, it’s fine” I reassured him. He nodded and let the memory of Scout drop.

The whole evening was fun and although we were sat there talking for about 4 hours, it seemed to go by like 4 seconds. We ate, we laughed, we talked and we goofed about, I could be myself around him so easily.

By the time it came to leaving, it was raining, heavily! Large drops of rain  bounced off the road ahead of us, and we could barely see 10 meters in front of us, Andy gripped onto my head and lead me through the night. We were drenched after just walking for 2 minutes, we quickened our pace until we were running in the direction of a near-by hotel.

Andy pushed open the large glass doors quite forcefully and lead me inside, his long black hair sticking to his wet face, and his combat boots were filled with water, I giggled slightly as he walked uncomfortably to the counter, he asked for a room and pulled me along to the elevator. We skipped down the halls until we reached our room number, and once we were inside, I collapsed backwards onto the bed, i still hadn’t dried off and now I was making the covers wet. “Jul, we have to sleep there!” Andy cried as he noticed the duvet covers were now slightly soggy. “Sorry, I’ll go dry off” I apologized and smiled at him before sitting up and walking into the bathroom.

Andy’s POV

I watched as Juliet walked off into the bathroom, her summer dress hugging her curves in all the right ways. After she closed the door behind her, I pulled the curtains shut and peeled my soaked through t-shirt over my head. I threw it into the corner of the room and searched for a towel, there were a few in the wardrobe, so I dried off and got a towel out for Juliet in case there were none in the bathroom. I heard the water of the shower come on & the soft, soothing voice of Juliet start to sing, it was slightly muffled because of the noise of the shower but she was singing ‘rebel love song’. I smiled widely as I listened to her, she was so talented, and she sang my song better then I ever could. I paced around the room for a couple of moments as boredom kicked in, and walked upto the bathroom door, hoovering my hand over the handle for a few moments before taking it away and shoving it in my pocket. I bit my lip anxiously, then raised my hand again and knocked softly on the door. No reply. I knocked again a little harder then heard Juliet call out “Yeeaah?” I bit my lip again, and pushed my hair out of my face “Could I get a towel from the bathroom?” I asked, making up an excuse just to go in. “Yeah, of course” she answered and I opened the door, she was still in the shower, and the shadow of her body could be seen through the shower curtain. I scanned the bathroom and grabbed a towel off the rail, I started to dry my hair in the mirror that was slowly steaming up with the heat of the showers water. I heard the curtain rail move and span round to face the shower, Juliet was poking her head round the side of the curtain and watching me dry my hair “Can I help you?” I smirked when I turned to face her “Actually.. you can” she replied, as she pushed her wet hair out of her face and motioned me to come forward with her hand. 

“Yes?” I asked, intrigued as I stepped closer to her, she looked me up and down and then pointed at my pants, “Those have to go” she instructed, I smirked, but felt my cheeks go hot as I unbuttoned my jeans and slipped off my shoes, I was now stood in only my briefs and she arched an eyebrow at me, “Do you shower in your underwear?” she joked and I laughed a little “Yes!” I joked back, sounding rather defiant. “Well okay” she nodded, giggling a lot before pulling the shower curtain fully back and making space for me to step in. Which I did, I bit my lip as I looked her up and down and suddenly felt completely restricted by my underwear, I stepped close to her and placed my hands on her hips and I lent down to kiss her water covered lips. She kissed me back, with a bit more pressure then  me, which I then applied in return as she wrapped her arms around my neck, I pulled my tongue along her bottom lip, begging for entry which she granted and we entwined our tongues, her hands slid down my back and to the elastic of my boxers, she hooked her fingers in the top of them and slid them down my legs, I kicked them off my ankles and lifted Juliet up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I lent her back up against the wall as I trailed my kisses down her neck and sunk my lips onto her defined collar bone. Sucking gently on the skin as small moans escaped her lips.

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