Side Story (2)

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(Note: Since Izuku is four years old, Aife is only a few weeks old. Aife will grow up to be four years old while Izuku will grow up to be 8 to 14 before starting middle school and UA. Additionally, Toga will be in the same school as him, so watch out for that.)

Title: Don't Eat That Weird Thing

At noon, Izuku was playing at the park near his house with Inko and Aife. All For One (AFO), his siblings, and the drones were out getting food and finding items they needed for the drones.

Izuku was sitting and playing when he spotted what looked like a dead bird near a shady tree. He glanced at his mother, but she was busy changing Aife's diaper. Curious, he went to the area and discovered something else.

Beside The dead bird was what looked like a murder drone but mixed With a human, Both live and dead, and had Yellow glowing eyes. "miss, are you ok?" Izuku said In worry but Heard no response. Instead, she grinned at him before offering a black mini ball that was almost like a gumball, but it was like a void Black hole: "Smile. Here, take this and eat it, big Brother." She said before beginning to dissolve into a liquid.

Izuku was scared of this before taking it and headed back as the Drone body completely turned into a Liquid. Inko put Aife back in her stroller after her diaper change before Inko looked up to see Izuku walking towards them. "Izuku, what's that in your hand," Inko said In suspicion, "A core," Izuku said before putting it in his Mouth.

"NO!" Inko Said in fear and tried to stop him, but it was too late; he swallowed it.

Inko immodestly takes Izuku and Aife to the hospital by car before Izuku passes out in the seat. An hour later, Izuku is in the hospital bed, and Inko paces around the room. "The doctor said there is nothing in him, but I saw him eat something. Please be okay, Izuku," Inko said with tears running down her eyes.

AFO quickly opens the door, and everyone follows, entering as they talk about what happened or see if Izuku is alright. Only Aife is sitting on her stroller, sucking on a pacifier that has a Cupcake on it.

However, Izuku began to wake up to see everyone: "Mom, Dad." He said weakly as everyone but Aife hugged Izuku and smiled happily: "My baby boy is okay." Inko cried in the waterfalls, but as they pulled away, V saw something, and she aimed her gun at him: "Get back!" Everyone freaked out as Uzi tried to calm her down. Inko was worried, but when she looked at Izuku again, she noticed something.

Izuku's full green eyes are now both green and Yellow.

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