Chapter 1 Worlds Unseen

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                             Not always the things in life would go as we wish. Sometimes everything is fine and next second it is not.

Anna, a quiet storm of thought, lived more in her mind than the world around her. At 27, her days passed like pages in a book, each filled with silent dialogues only she could hear. She had always been that way, even when her parents were alive, before the weight of loss settled on her shoulders at 21. Their absence carved an emptiness in her, a stillness where no sibling's voice would ever echo.

But Anna was resilient, though not in the way most would notice. She completed her studies in finance, the only tether she had left to a life she'd once shared with them. Numbers became her companions, the steady rhythm of accounting a comfort, a language she could control in a world that had spun wildly out of her grasp.

With good grades in hand, she found her place at Steward company, stepping into the vast and intricate world of security trading, where precision was power. There, in the hum of financial markets and the silent dance of figures on a screen, she found solace. Her job was a refuge—a space where everything had an answer, where every equation balanced if you knew how to look.

And yet, while others around her spoke of markets and shares, her true conversations were the ones no one else could hear. Inside her, thoughts swirled like a stormy sea, endless and deep, where she wrestled with questions of loss, love, and meaning. In the quiet of her mind, she built castles of reason, battlegrounds of emotions, and oceans of memories—an entire world hidden from the gaze of others.

Anna lived in that quiet space, somewhere between numbers and memories, between what was spoken and what was eternally unsaid.


In the heart of a legacy, where ancient values wove the fabric of modern fortune, there stood a name that bore the weight of something more than mere wealth: Steward. It was a name whispered through time, each syllable laced with the sacred principle of stewardship, drawn from scripture and heart alike. The Steward family—keepers of both business and belief—had passed their company down through the hands of sons and daughters, each generation guided not only by profit but by purpose.

Now, in the 21st century, at the helm of this lineage sat Christian Steward, known to the world simply as Chris. Thirty-one years old, a man shaped by duty from the moment his small hands learned to grasp and his young feet learned to walk. He was raised not merely to lead but to carry forth the essence of his family's charge—a responsibility woven into his soul as early as childhood. The language of contracts, deals, and growth came to him as naturally as breathing.

And so, he ascended, like an arrow released from a bow aimed at the highest peaks. By thirty-one, Chris had become one of the century's most renowned CEOs, his name spoken in boardrooms and newsrooms, his face splashed across magazine covers. But success to him was never just about fame or fortune—it was a sacred duty, a reflection of all that had come before him, a testament to the stewardship his family held so dear.

Yet, even as the world marveled at his brilliance, there was a space unoccupied in his life. Unmarried, unattached, he was a figure of both curiosity and admiration. In the eyes of the world, his single status only added to the mystique. To his family, friends, and especially to Anna—the one who knew him best—he was still just Chris. A man who wore many crowns yet had yet to place the one upon his heart.

In Chris, the world saw power; in him, those closest saw the weight of a name, an unbroken chain, the soul of a steward.


Anna Valerie had sat quietly in the corner of the bustling party, a soft smile dancing on her lips as she observed the ebb and flow of laughter and conversation around her. She was the daughter of Leon Valerie, a man of dignity and strength, and Jane Valerie, who wore kindness like a crown. Together, they had raised Anna with warmth and love, but it was at that very gathering that she had felt something shift in her world.

It was Chris. She had met him only moments before, but there was an undeniable connection that crackled in the air between them. He stood across the room, his blue eyes sparkling like sapphires under the dim lights, his smile brightening the darkest corners of her heart. In that instant, Anna felt something profound stir within her—was it love at first sight, or merely an attraction that beckoned her closer?

Leon Valerie, Anna's father, was more than just a parent; he served as the personal secretary to Michael Stewart, a man of remarkable poise and authority. Their bond transcended the typical employer-employee dynamic; Leon was not only a trusted confidant but also a dear friend. He had proven his loyalty in a life-or-death situation, saving Michael during a rival attack that had sent ripples of fear through their world.

At parties and functions, Anna found herself sharing the same roof as Chris, their lives intertwining like vines in a garden. She was drawn to him—the way he moved, the way he spoke, the way his laughter seemed to echo like music. A simple handshake from him could illuminate her day, warming her heart like the sun breaking through the clouds. She cherished the conversations they shared, piecing together the fragments of his life, understanding him in a way few others could.

But for Chris, Anna was still the daughter of his father's friend. His gaze held a protective distance, a barrier built from years of knowing her as a child rather than a woman. This distinction weighed heavily on Anna's heart, even as she navigated her feelings for him.

Tragedy struck one fateful day when she lost both of her parents in a devastating accident—a carefully staged event intended to silence Michael and her wife, Bella. The shock left Anna reeling, the world around her crumbling into chaos. In the wake of her loss, Michael took it upon himself to care for Anna, feeling the weight of responsibility settle upon her shoulders like a heavy cloak.

Michael 's presence in Anna's life was a beacon of hope, his constant check-ins a reminder that she was not alone. In an act of generosity, Michael offered Anna a higher position within her company, a chance to step into the world of finance and strategy. Yet Anna hesitated, the shadows of her grief still lingering. She ultimately agreed to take on a role at the trading desk, stepping into a new chapter of her life, but with each decision, she felt the absence of her parents echoing louder.

                                       Through the twists of fate, their stories unfold,

                                       In a tapestry woven with threads of the bold.

                                 With each glance, each moment, their spirits entwine,

                                     In the dance of their lives, a connection divine.

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