Chapter 1

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A/N: I am so disappointed with this chapter. I was trying so hard to decide if I wanted to write it like this and I got stuck so I just left it. Make me feel better and tell me what you think at the end. Even if you hate it. Xxx


"Please welcome, Harry Styles," Ellen cheered. She stood from her chair as I walked onto the stage and waved at the audience. When I reached her I kissed both her cheeks before waving to the crowd again and sitting. She waits for them to stop clapping and cheering before talking. "Welcome back. How are you?" I nodded,

"Yeah I'm-I'm good."

"We have a lot to talk about. This is the first interview you've done in 10 months. A lot can change in that time ," she says suggestively.

"Lots," I agree.

"Let's start with the most recent news. You gave birth to a healthy 6lb baby boy just two months ago, congrats!"

"Yeah, thanks," I smiled brightly.

"There he is," she adds when a picture of him comes up for the audience to see, "so small!" The crowd coos. "Now, I was told that I was allowed to ask anything because you wanted to set everything straight, yes?" I nodded in agreement and chuckled when the crowd cheered.


"You kept the baby a secret the whole time. So we all found out when you tweeted about the news just last night. Who did know?"

"My mother, daughter, and manager," I explain. It's true. I managed to keep the pregnancy quiet the whole time. No one suspected a thing. It meant I basically went into hiding when I started to show, but I preferred it.

"I'm going to talk about Louis now, okay?" She checked. I nodded and she added the extra information of us being exs. "Is he the father?" I nodded again, "and he didn't know?"

"No. He didn't. Olivia knew not to say anything."

"So he keeps in contact with Liv?"

"Yeah. They text every day and he calls her every night to say goodnight. He's like her second father. I wouldn't take that away from either of them," I explain.

"How do you think he will take the news? He's a father!"

"Well I'm sure he'll be angry at first," I shrug.

"Is he welcome to be in the baby's life?"

"Absolutely. I'd um-actually love for him to be," I state.

"We're going to jump back in time a bit back to all those months ago when you left his home never to return. What happened?"

"We actually just got into a stupid fight. Actually, it was mostly me yelling. Olivia was still being treated for her cancer-"

"She beat that, right? Congrats on that too."

"Thank you, yes. Um so I was having a hard time with everything and I sort of just put my life on hold and I realized Louis was doing the same, but I didn't want him to. I figured leaving was for the best," I explain.

"Was it hard?"

"Absolutely. I loved him."

"Loved? So you don't anymore?" She rose an eyebrow.

"No, I do. I love him with all my heart. Miss him everyday."

"So you regret it then?" She cleared up and I nodded. "I still have two last subjects to talk about so we will be right back with Harry." They cut to commercial and I take a sip of the water in front of me. "Okay?" She asked.

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