Chapter 4

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A/N: I wasn't planning on updating until this weekend, but I leave for Maine tomorrow and don't come back until Sunday night and then Monday morning I leave for New York City/New Jersey for MY FIRST EVER ONE DIRECTION CONCERT😭😍 so I wanted to update now so I know it's up and I didn't get too busy. Plus I like this chapter because DATE NIGHTTTT. So please leave some feedback. Two votes and two comments maybe?


Louis' pov:

Harry and Niall have been out all day. I've been home alone with William and just picked Olivia up from school an hour ago. I was beyond excited. What could he possibly be doing for our date for him to be gone all day?

"Can we play outside papa?" Olivia asks. I'm in the kitchen, rocking William and trying to get him to drink from a bottle. Niall bought a pump this morning so I could have bottles for William while Harry is gone, but he refuses to drink them. I put it in his mouth and he cries and moves away.

"It's cold Olivia," I point out.

"Just yesterday we were outside! I'm bored and you're busy with William," she complains.

"Do you have homework? Maybe you should start that," I suggest.

"I already did it. I do it right when I get home, daddy will check it when he comes back. Can we play a game?"

"Yeah, go get one," I agree. She cheers and runs off to go get a game. "William, please," I beg. He screams and moves his head. I might cry. He's got to be hungry. I've been trying all day since Harry left without feeding him.

"I brought Life!" She cheered and set the game on the table, starting to open it.

"Okay, you start setting it up. I'm going to call Harry real quick," I explain. Maybe he will know what to do. I grab my cell and go into the living room and call.

"Yeah?" He answers.

"Harry," I whimper, "I don't know what to do. William won't drink from the bottle. I've been trying on and off all day and he's not having it!"

"Did you try showing him that it was breast milk? Like dip your finger in the bottle and let him suck your finger so he knows it tastes the same."

"I have to touch the milk that came out of you?" I ask jokingly. He chuckles,

"Just try it and see what he does."

"Papa, I'm ready!" Olivia calls.

"I'll be right there," I tell her, but take a seat on the couch. I lay Will down on my lap and open the bottle, sticking my finger in the warm milk before bringing it to his lip. "Have you ever tasted your own milk?"

"No, Louis," he laughed, "you can though. Tell me how it tastes?"

"Isn't that like a kink or something?" I laugh.


"Oh my god, it's actually working!"

"Good, now just dip the nipple of the bottle into the milk and he will understand." I listen and William starts drinking.

"Thank god. Thank you," I sigh.

"He would have drank it if he was starving if that's what you were worried about."

"I was worried."

"Papa!" Olivia whines.

"I'm coming sweetie!" I promise.

"Everything good there?" Harry asks.

"One kid is one thing, but two is a bit difficult," I admit.

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