Chapter 2

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Louis' pov:

I was left alone with William while Harry went to drop Olivia off at school and Niall left to take care of some business things. Liv started first grade this year and she told me it's been good so far. She attends a private school do to Harry's position, but she loves it. The one time I saw her over summer was a week before her sixth birthday so we celebrated it early together. I had gotten her a charm bracelet with a birthday charm and a sharks tooth charm. Both our necklaces are still in our position, just not on. Mines hooked to my keys and hers is hanging off her backpack. I've missed her like crazy. Not only had I fallen in love with Harry, but I had fallen in love with Olivia. She was my little girl, no matter what and being separated from her was heartbreaking. I had tried to see her more than once, but Harry was very distant and off and now I knew it was because of the pregnancy. As for that, I was a little mad, but as soon as I saw my son, it all disappeared.

I was in the studio in Australia with the 5sos boys when Zayn called me to tell me about Harry's tweet. It was simple and the first one he's posted in months.

@Harry_Styles: I'd like to introduce the world to my baby boy. Born two months ago and ready to meet the world today. Love you xx

When I read it the first thing that I did was the math. I didn't understand that if he was mine why wouldn't Harry tell me? The baby had to be someone else's and that angered me. Was it a one night stand? Does he have a new boyfriend and they made a mistake? Did he cheat on me and that's why he left with literally no reason? But with the math it went back to our days. When he was with me, and I didn't want to believe that he would cheat on me, so I called Anne. Anne and I kept in contact almost as much as Olivia and I did. She was the one who brought Olivia out to Los Angeles to see me. She would update me on Harry. Little things, obviously, since she didn't tell me about William either. When I called her that days she greeted me happily like always, but I just broke down crying. Begging and asking her to tell me he was mine. I remember how hesitant she was. Telling me to call Harry and talk to him, but eventually my sobbing got her to tell me the truth. I had a son, two months old, named William James Styles, and I was indeed allowed to see him. So I was on the next plane to London, beyond pissed and annoyed, and beat Harry home.

Holding William for the first time was an amazing feeling. The anger left my body as I looked down and saw how the baby boy. Knowing he was mine was insane. I cried for thirty minutes straight just watched him sleep. He was so small and then it made me think of Harry. How small was he? Was the pregnancy easy? Is he feeling good now? Why wouldn't he call? I would have been here instantly to take care of him! What were his midnight cravings? Was he in a lot of pain? Any complications? I felt horrible that he went through his second pregnancy alone. Anne had left me alone to spend time with William, but all he did for the forty five minutes was sleep.

Then Harry walked in and I was so scared. Would he be mad? Would he scream? Cry? Looking at him brought all the memories crashing forward. There was my boy, standing and crying as he looked at me in surprise. When "love" slipped from my lips I wanted to punch myself. I can't just call him that, but then he started crying and I knew that he was happy to see me. I passed William off to Anne who had came back in when she heard Harry. He came forward and fell into my arms as he told me he missed me. I felt whole again. I was finally holding my world for the first time in months almost a year, and he missed me. I knew then, that we were going to figure it out. We had to.

The rest of the night he was pretty quiet, and he allowed me to keep William. I knew he was dying to take care of him after being away for a day, but I had two months to make up for so he would have to wait. William was a quiet baby, mostly observing things I had noticed. The only time I heard him whine or cry was last night and when he's hungry. Other then that he didn't mind being set in his swing while I did other things. I knew I didn't have long till Harry got back, but I wanted to look around his house. Not snoop, just look, so I did. I took William with me as I walked around, but he was soon drifting off in my arms. I forgot how much babies sleep. When I heard Harry come back I slowly went back downstairs and found him in the kitchen. He was already starting to clean up from breakfast, doing dishes.

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