Chapter 3

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A/N: I wasn't expecting to update again this weekend, but this chapter is kind of a filler, but I think it's cute a fluffy. So enjoy and please someone leave feedback. Anything xx


Harry's pov:

I was sat in my room, laptop on my lap, headphones in, and scrolling through my Twitter feed when someone knocked on my door. I looked up and called for them to come in. My door wasn't shut fully so they just pushed it open and peaked in. Niall.

"Hey H," he greeted. He must have just got back. He's been out all day, not even back for dinner.

"Hi," I smiled as he closed the door and came in, joining me on the bed. I shut my laptop and set it to the side. It was clear that he wanted to talk. "How was all the meetings? There is leftovers from dinner if you haven't ate."

"Thanks, and good. Nothing exciting, I just came to check on you," he explained.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Just wanted to see how you are since he is here. Anything you want to talk about?" He checked. I looked down and shrugged,

"I'm kind of really glad he is here, ya' know? I feel -whole?" He nodded and smiled,

"He looks good."

"Really good," I agreed and chuckled. He seemed to have been working out and since it was summer in Australia he had a nice tan. There were more tattoos covering his body and he was letting his facial hair come in. He looked great. Hot. "Olivia got picked on today because of mine and his relationship, well, lack of. He suggested moving and I agreed."

"To L.A?" Niall asked incredulously.

"What? No! Jesus no," I chuckled, although I'd go anywhere with Louis.

"Scared me there, but alright well you know I'll help with whatever. Is he like- moving with ya?" I gave him a pointed look,

"No you idiot. We aren't even on good terms. I mean, we are, but not that good of terms. Not that he couldn't because if he wanted to I would definitely let him, but I don't think he wants to since America is his home and it's so soon and we haven't even gone on a date. I don't even know if he would go on a date with me. He's probably not even in love with me anymore anyways. Oh god, Niall, he doesn't love me anymore!"

"H," he chuckled softly and grabbed my hand, "you're rambling and over thinking once again. Just breath," he instructs and I follow, "of course he is still in love with you. Don't be silly. Maybe you should ask him out on a date?"

"You don't think it's too soon? He just got here and the last thing on his mind is probably me- us. He's here because of Liv and Will."

"He wouldn't have came if he didn't want to see you though and when he first saw you he was happy. I'm sure he would like to fix your guys relationship. He's got Liv and Will, but he's missing you. His family isn't complete without you. I think you should give it a shot. Worse case is he says no."

"I'll cry if he says no. Like, sob, right in front of him," I laugh and he joins. "What would I even do for a date? It's been so long."

"Be your romantic self. Show him how much you want him back. You'll think of something creative, I know you!" I agreed and thanked him as I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face there as he hugged me.

"What would I do without you?" He chuckled and mentioned something about dying before kissing my head and getting up. I told him goodnight as he opened the door.

"Oh, hey," he greeted someone, but I couldn't see who since the door blocked my view.

"Is Harry in there?" Louis.

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