Chapter Ten

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The trip was extended by a day. He'd explain it to his mother and then things would be fine!

Except they weren't fine. Leviathan was anything but fine! After Amber had explained to him what his emotions might mean, the Changeling was pulling apart at the seams.

"Do you know what love is?"

Leviathan had stared at the golden Dragon, completely lost. "Obviously? Chrysalis' Hive fed off of love. She almost overthrew the Empress of the Crystal Empire, right?"

Amber had rolled her eyes, "It's an emotion idiot. Ponies often feel it for their friends or for other ponies they're really close to and want, uh," She turned a little pink, "more, from."

"More?" Leviathan had lifted an eyebrow, a bit confused. Amber tilted her head, gesturing toward the Changeling's still-stiff wings. Instantly red flushed his cheeks once more. "Oh! Okay, I see."

Amber just sighed, smiling, "It's not just that, though. It's this feeling you get when you really want something but you're not sure if it would work out if you acted on the feeling."

Leviathan had been considering what this twisting, yearning feeling in his gut was since early in this trip, and though he hated to admit it, Amber was probably right. He was growing affectionate toward Irradiance. What a beautiful name, he'd thought when Amber had told him. It was mean to spoil the secret before anyone could properly guess, but secretly Leviathan was happy to know it before the other two ponies.

"Oh, I only grabbed one blanket," Irradiance noticed once the pair were in their designated tree. "Do you want to grab another?"

Absolutely not. I want to sleep right next to you and press really close until I forget I'm supposed to bring you to my mother to be feasted upon until you're nothing but an emotionless, magicless husk that haunts the halls of my home. "No, I can share."

The two stallions spread out the blanket, curling up close together as they felt a chilly breeze make its way through a few cracks in the trunk of the tree. Leviathan was glad he was sharing body heat for more than one reason now.

"Uncool that Amber told you my real name," The Unicorn said once they'd both lay down in the blanket, waiting for sleep to overtake them. "I was having fun making you guys guess. Now you and Amber can both spoil it."

"Sorry," Leviathan whispered, feeling the darkness force him into quiet. "It's a pretty name, though." A pause. Irradiance had stopped breathing for a moment and it made the Changeling nervous, turning to face him without realizing Irradiance was already turned toward the Pegasus. They were nearly nose to nose now and Leviathan felt himself actively fighting his eyes craving to go lower.

"You think it's pretty?" Oh, wow. In the darkness of the Everfree Forest, he looked so soft and vulnerable. Purple coat muted, turquoise hair falling upon the pillow in silky strands, Leviathan wanted something he just couldn't find the words for. He just knew he wanted... more.

"I think it's beautiful," Leviathan emphasized, eyes traveling all across the stallion. "I think your curse is beautiful, too. I know I offered a cure, but don't you think your crystals make you even more enchanting to look at? Like a painting." It was dark, but Leviathan was sure that the purple before him was turning pink.

"I might start crying if you keep talking," Irradiance said suddenly, causing the Pegasus to panic, eyes frantic all of a sudden, causing the Unicorn to laugh, "Not in a bad way!"

"Oh, good."

Irradiance sniffled for a moment, pushing his face further into the pillow, "I haven't been close with anyone like this in a really long time. Actually, maybe never," He rolled onto his back, facing straight up as he continued to speak and Leviathan listened intently, "This is new to me. You're new and it's kind of scaring me and I don't want to do anything rash just because I'm enjoying something new."

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