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It's been two days since Lucy arrived. Time has passed slowly, and the tension is still in the air. I've had to sleep in the attic, watching Lucy sleep in my old bed. I listened to him tell Alex that the bed smelled "like a dog," and a pang of nostalgia shot through my chest. I remember those days when that bed was mine, where I snuggled up next to Alex, sharing the warmth and tranquility of the night. Now, it was relegated to the attic, hidden like a secret that no one was supposed to discover.

During these days, Tom has been with me in the village. Every once in a while, he takes me out for coffee, trying to maintain normality amidst the chaos ahead. It's a respite, a brief pause where I can forget, even for a moment, what is hidden under the hood of my sweatshirt.But today, things took an unexpected turn. We were walking through town, enjoying a coffee, when suddenly, we heard the sound of sirens and screams. A bank had been robbed. My heart skipped a beat when I saw, in the crowd, Alex and Lucy inside the bank, trapped in the middle of the situation.

Without thinking, I put on the full suit, letting the familiar feeling of the symbiote wash over me. I ran to the bank, and upon entering, I saw the robbers, armed and dangerous. They didn't stop when they saw me; one of them shot directly at me. The bullets ricocheted harmlessly off my body, but before I could fight back, another robber approached Lucy, grabbed her from behind, and pointed his gun at her head.

"Stay away!" the man shouted, his voice shaking. I could see the fear in his eyes, the desperation of a cornered man. I tried to calm him down, keeping my voice low and steady. "It doesn't have to end badly. Let her go and we can work this out."

But in a moment of distraction, Alex, whom he had not seen move, appeared behind the man's back. Quickly and decisively, he hit the thief in the head with a computer screen, leaving him dazed. I took advantage of the moment to launch myself towards Lucy, taking her out of danger in a single movement.

That's when, in the chaos of the situation, Venom's face was exposed for a second. Lucy looked at me, her eyes wide and filled with terror. The fear I saw in his eyes hit me hard. It wasn't fear of thieves; It was fear of me, of what I had become.Before I could process what had just happened, other assailants tried to shoot me. I knew I couldn't stay there, I couldn't let anyone else be in danger. I left Lucy next to Alex, making sure they were safe, and charged at the robbers, taking them down one by one until the police arrived.

The sound of sirens and officers' orders filled the air, but all I could hear was my heartbeat. I knew I had to leave before anyone could take a photo, before my presence was discovered by more people.

But before I disappeared into the shadows, I looked at Lucy one last time. Despite his fear, his lips trembled slightly and, in a whisper, he said, "Thank you."

That simple gesture, those words, gave me hope. All was not lost. There was fear in his eyes, yes, but there was also something else. Maybe, just maybe, there was a spark of recognition, a small flame of acceptance that could grow over time. And with that hope, I faded into the night, ready to face whatever came next.

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