I Hate You (part 2/3)

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Salona pov...

The next day...

Yesterday, after I cooled down I called Chris and we talked about the whole "trip". Now I understand a little better about the whole situation. I wonder what is he going to do.

I looked at my clock to check to see the time. It was only 12:50 which means I have 30 minutes to finish getting ready. I quickly applied some light brown lip stick to my plump lips , grabbed my car keys and cell phone, and headed out the dorm.

Phone convo

Me: Where you at?

Chris: Juice bar... Wait at your car I'm coming

Me: Okay

End of phone convo

I can't even lie I am kinda nervous to be with him for so long. It just hurt me to know we'll never be like we was in high school. Would he be a good father? Would he actually stay or would he leave again? I hope not because I really want him in our daughter life.

"Salona why are you crying?" Chris said while wiping away the tears that was falling.

"Oh... No reason. Come on let's go." I said unlocking my car doors and getting in, starting the car up...

1 hour later...

"I have a test for you, you said you want my heart..." I sang . I love the song "Initiation" by The Weeknd for some wierd reason, I think because of the hard beat.

I felt something touch my hand so I took a glimpse at my hand and Chris hand was on my hand.

"I hate you..." I whispered feeling the tears rolling down my face.

I didn't really mean it it just slipped out. I love him but then again I strongly dislike him at the same time.

"I hate you too." He said. I could feel him staring at me but I didn't wanna look at him. I was scared to face reality when I look in them brown eyes. The thing is I know he's lying and he know I'm lying.

"Pull over and stop the car." He said. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What? No!" I said. Trying to concentrate on the road. All of a sudden the car jolted over on the side of the road to a stop. He could have killed us! He so stupid!

"What the hell is your problem?" I yelled in frustration.

"YOU is my damn problem. Riding in the car with you is like hell. You singing like a fucking melodic bird and crying while your eyes sparkle like that just bring me down. I know everything is not perfect but we can at least try. So stop dwelling on the past and let's move on." He said holding on to both of my hands. I feel bad more because I know I hurt him by saying that but it just slipped out. Why is my heart pumping faster? His hands on mines that's why but why is my heart doing that?

"I'm sorry... I'm stressed out. I love you Basil." I smiled remembering his odd childhood nickname. We both had weird nicknames.

I saw him inching closer and closer to me then felt his lips on mines. I missed that feeling of dizziness when he kissed me. I was shocked at first but I kissed back instantly. That's when I realized we was still on the side of the road so I pulled away. I felt him smiling but I just started driving again.

(3 hours later; Salona parents house)

"Finally here! You ready to see our beautiful daughter?" I said getting out of my car. He nodded his head smiling at me. I knocked on my parents door excitedly. My mother quickly came to the door pulling me into a hug.

"I can't breathe mom." I said feeling like I was being squished by a giant. She let go though, thankfully. My mom is a big cry baby just like me and she was already crying. She stopped looking at me and directed her gaze to Chris and her face lit up.

"Chris oh my! You haven't changed a bit. Come in you guys. I'm so happy to see you and I know Anthony and Saria will be too." She says taking a step back to let us in. Me and Chris walked in my mom house. This is going to be a very long day.

I saw Saria sitting on the couch attempting to draw on a piece of paper. She looked up, right at me.

"Mommy!" She said dropping everything on the floor, running up to me. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now. She always brightening up my day like now.

I hugged her very tightly trying to stop myself from crying. She pulled back placing her right palm on my right cheek. When should I tell her? I guess I should tell her right now.

"Saria, this man beside me is your father. Your way to young to understand but later in life you'll understand." I said pulling Chris down a little to her eye level.

"Oh my... She looks just like me. I can't believe I missed out on all of this. I love you sweety." He said squeezing her tightly against his chest. Just seeing then like this got me ask worked up about our future.

"Okay I'm going to put her to sleep. I think y'all should rest in the your room, Salona. I know its been a long trip. I'll wake you up when dinner its prepared. My mother said picking up Saria.

"Okay, see y'all later. " I said walking up the stairs with Chris following behind me. It felt like old times all over again. Sometimes he'd spend the night if he was too tired. Our families knew each other well therefore they trusted us together.

"Well okay you know the routine still, hopefully." I said. I pulled off my shirt and pants revealing me in a tank top and boy shorts. He did the same revealing him shirtless and he had on boxers.

"Have sweet dreams, Salona." He said pulling the sheets back getting in the bed with me. I hope I do though...


What do think will happen next?

Will he actually make effort to be apart of Salona and Saria life?

Btw Saria is 5!


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