Why This Had To Happen?

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[science class 3:12]

De'Andre p.o.v

Science teacher: Hello DeAndre and Janay

Me and Janay: Hey

Science teacher: ok so yall want to know history about the school [a.n: ok so this is going to be fake history im just making up it up :-) ]

Janay: yes ma'am I think this school is wonderful and I want to learn more.

Science teacher: (smiles) yes it is a amazing school but it wasnt a school back then it was a slave house and I use to try to help them but since im white they sometimes didnt trust me but one time a woman walked in she tryed to grab me but I ran then I bumped into the master. He beat me really bad but it just made me a stronger woman today. After a couple of years they made this as a school so I became a science teacher but if you want to learn secrets about the school ask Mrs. Lawrence she was a slave here she was the first one I saved.

Janay: (crying) wow I would have never guessed that im so sorry Mrs. Brooks

Mrs. Brooks: its ok dear dont cry (wipes her tears away)

Me: Mrs Brooks so what happened to the man?

Mrs. Brooks: (sighs) he is in charge of the school

Me: Mr. Harris

Janay: Mrs. Brooks we got to do something about this... He beat you

Mrs. Brooks: no we cant do anything about this I promise its ok

Janay: ok well um De'Andre can we leave? Mrs.Brooks thank you very much I loved the story

Mrs. Brooks: (hugs her) I love telling you guys come back again any day

Me: we will bye Mrs. Brooks (walks out)

Janay: (walks out) De'Andre um im going to go rest

Me: Janay no I know your thinking about the story

Janay: yes because can you believe he actually beat that kind loving lady she is so sweet he should be locked up or something

Me: listen to me (steps closer) she said dont do anything so dont. Everything will be ok she is doing fine and she also said it makes her a stronger person so trust me she is. Okay?

Janay: ok De'Andre (smile)

Me: see I like it when you smile not frown

My thoughts

Shit shit shit why did I just say that? Am I catching feelings for her? But what aboit Mrs. Wilson I mean Cariya? Well she is my teacher and this is my classmate ugh

End of thoughts

Janay: (smiles) and I like it when you make me smile (leans towards me)

My thoughts

She so close I could feel her breathing she want to kiss and I cant help but kiss her

Me: (kiss her)

Janay p.o.v

I lean in and he kiss me I cant help but to kiss back his lips is just to soft for me to pull away

Me: Whoa umm (blushes)

De'Andre: yes I know

Me: well see you in class tomarrow

De'Andre: ok mines (winkes)

Me: wat... Oo yea (smiles) bye (walks away)

De'Andre: (turns around)

Caniya: mines?

De'Andre: umm its nothing like that but you got to understand that me and you are not together

Caniya: (loud) OK BUT YOU KISSED ME

I Know This Is Wrong... (Teacher/Student Story)Where stories live. Discover now