Chapter 2

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[A/N]: Hey guys, sorry for not updating for quite some time. I was having my final exams, including the weeks spent studying like crazy for those papers. I promise I will try my best to update as much as possible. Sorry once again, and happy reading!

Parseltongue: Bold

Every other language: Italic

February 1991

Alexis had been working hard to collect all the stuff needed for the resurrection ritual on Samhain night later that year. She already had most of the basic ingredients required for the potion, which she retrieved from the Black Manor stocks and also from the Riddle Manor stocks with the help of Ace.

As of right now, she was getting ready to visit her mother. Since Sirius and Remus were busy with their classes at Hogwarts, she was going with Narcissa instead, as she got ready in a simple pair of jeans with a sweater before she put her black robes over that. She used wandless magic to style her hair into a low bun before she then went to the mini library located in the cottage where Lara and Nagini were.

"Looking good, sis, are you ready to see Zia?" Lara said as she gave a nod of approval over Lexi's dressing choice.

"Thanks. I'm excited, actually. The last time I saw her was during Yule, and frankly, I miss her." Lexi said with a longing look on her face.

"I get the feeling; it's painful not being able to see a parent for very long. I don't know what I'd do if I were to be separated from Papa and Dad for that long." Lara said as Lexi simply nodded.

Lexi took a seat next to her sister as Nagini slithered up to rest on her shoulders. It wasn't that long before they felt the wards shift and Narcissa entered the library behind Kreacher. She was dressed in her usual formal dresses and her Malfoy robes with her hair tied in a neat but loose bun.

"Afternoon mes cheris. Are you ready to go, Lex?" Narcissa asked as she kissed both girls on their foreheads.

"Yes, Zia," Lexi said as she got up to hug her godmother.

"Great. I think it's best you leave Nagini at home, though. We don't need the dementors at Azkaban to find any reasons to keep us there," Narcissa said as she hugged Lara. 

Lexi nodded her head as she let Nagini slither to the ground before moving out of the room. She then held on to her godmother's outstretched hand as they bid goodbye to Lara before Narcissa apparated them  to Azkaban.

They landed at the entrance as they dusted themselves off and made their way towards the main desk, where a creature that looked like a mix of human and dementor was sitting. Unknown to most people, dementors are able to speak in both Dementish and Parseltongue and are able to understand very limited phrases in English (despite hating the language). 

"What is the purpose of your visit?" the guard seated there said in Dementish without looking up.

"Greetings Zeb," Lexi replied back in a firm voice whilst also revealing her Crucio red eyes for a split second.

The guard who wasn't even paying attention before, had now looked up, almost like it was startled.

"My lady, I didn't notice you. Forgive me," the guard now known as Zeb said in a nervous voice.

"Its fine, Zeb, you weren't paying attention," she replied with a cool voice as Zeb let out a sigh of relief, although he was still very cautious when he spoke.

"How may I be of assistance, my lady?" he asked.

"My aunt and I would like to visit Lady Riddle and Mr. Black."

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