Author's Note

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Here are a few things that I would like to mention before we begin.

1. In this story, all wizards and witches alike are able to find their destined other half by the time they turn fourteen. Most pureblood children debut into the wizarding society at eleven or twelve; however, this isn't practiced by the other half-blood or muggle-born kids.

2. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are married soulmates in this story. Lupin still hasn't fully accepted his wolf, but he has a workable bond with Moony, his wolf. Remus isn't able to shift at his own will due to this, but he is able to keep his humanity without having to take any potions. It was Remus who gave birth to their daughter, and she was born as a werewolf.

3. Elara has already bonded fully with her wolf since birth and can shift into her wolf form at will without depending on the moon. Unlike other wizards who are able to find their soulmates at fourteen, she follows the rules of werewolves, who only find their soulmates at the age of sixteen.

4. Unlike the original books, where a wizard/witch has to go through a long process to become an Animagus, here they are usually able to shift into their destined forms by the age of four. However, this process is much easier for purebloods compared to the half-bloods and muggle-born, who take quite a while to even develop their Animagus forms.

5. Alexis is considered to be quite a powerful witch, with abilities surpassing Merlin himself. Although, unlike other dark beings, she is quite humble about her abilities and believes in the idea that actions speak louder than words. But don't let her humble nature fool you, because she can be just as brutal as any other dark wizard before her.

6. In this story, Tom Riddle went to Hogwarts in the same year as Sirius, Severus, and Lucius, and their parents were supporters of Grindelwald. Grindelwald was defeated by Dumbledore when they were eight years old. Tom Riddle, who had already been inspired by Grindelwald's cause, had decided to make his own following by the age of eleven and had fully established the Nights of Death when he was fourteen, with Severus and Lucius as his second and third in command.

7. After the defeat of Grindelwald, Albus started to endorse a more muggle friendly regime in the wizarding world, and that included catering to their beliefs, which also meant going against everything the wizarding world and the pureblood community were against. This included muggle-wizard marriages, the banishments of old traditions, and many more.

8. One of the major changes that was implemented in 1981 (a year after the birth of our main characters) was the ban on children born from same-sex relationships. This caused an outrage amongst the pureblood community, as they believe that as long as they are able to produce an heir, it doesn't matter what type of relationship that the child came from. It is well known that muggles are against same-sex relationships and hence they implemented that ban into the wizarding world. Luckily, kids born from same-sex marriages before the ban were excluded from this rule, and their parents weren't prosecuted.

9. People who have been imprisoned in Azkaban don't age. This is because time doesn't exist at Azkaban, and the prisoners are meant to feel like they are there for an eternity. Although unknown to the ministry, the dementors are very loyal to the 'dark side' and don't harm the prisoners. They also don't care about what happens inside Azkaban just as long as none of the prisoners attempt to escape. Hence the reason most of the relatives or friends of the prisoners visit them quite frequently, sometimes even daily.

10. Most of the families that belong to the Sacred Twenty-eight have put protective wards on their manors, which only let in people they are familiar with or trust. In the Riddle-Black-Malfoy clan, for example, these particular wards are seen in the Black Manor, the Riddle Manor, and the Malfoy Manor, along with whatever other properties that they own.

11. Most of the members of the Sacred Twenty-eight are well-skilled in wandless/non-verbal magic, and they don't need a wand. They make sure to educate their children through wandless and non-verbal magic at a young age, as it is illegal to even obtain a wand before the age of eleven.

12. However, since they don't want their enemies, and especially the ministry to find out about this ability, they still make sure to at least own a wand, but not from Ollivanders, where most of the light wizards get their wands.

13. Most of them get their wands from a more refined wand-maker at Knockturn Alley known as Gregorovitch Wands. The Gregorovitch were known for making wands from scratch after the wizard or witch had hand-picked their materials for the wand and said wand was also free from any trace that the ministry had already put on wands made by Ollivanders

14. This is also why it's very difficult to trace 'illegal' or dark spells back to these wizards since they aren't under the Ministry's radar.

15. Just like how the kids are educated on wandless and non-verbal magic, they were also taught how to apparate at the age of seven, although most of the pureblood families don't let their kids apparate by themselves despite knowing how since there is the risk of the ministry finding out. 

I would like to thank you guys for giving this book a chance, and I hope you will enjoy reading this story. I appreciate any feedback that you guys may have. Happy reading!!!!!

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