Chapter 1

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Early December 1980

One of the main things that the remaining members of the Riddle-Black-Malfoy clan did was retrieve any important stuff from the Riddle Manor and seal off the manor until further notice. Since Lexi was still living, the Riddle house-elf, Ace, could still continue living, only now he answered solely to Lexi.

Now, even though most wizarding families don't register their children at Gringotts until they turn one, Lucius, Sirius, and Severus decided that Lexi would be registered early. This was to ensure that the heirship and titles that came with being the Riddle heir didn't get transferred to some undeserving person or be taken up by a member of the light, aka Dumbledore.

Luckily, Gringotts didn't answer to the ministry, meaning any child registered under them was kept secret and the records weren't accessible to people outside of Gringotts. Hence, two months after the events of Samhain night, the three men, along with a seven-month-old Lexi had gone to Gringotts to register Lexi as the new Heir and Lady of the House of Riddle, The Noble House of Gaunt and the Legendry House of Slytherin.

They were introduced to Ragnok, who happened to be the head Goblin at Gringotts and also the head vault keeper for Slytherin, Gaunt, and Riddle. He was more than happy to help them, as he instructed Sirius to prick Lexi's finger to officiate the switch of heirship towards Lexi.

Once that was done, Lexi was given one primary heir ring that could represent the three house symbols which she was to wear at all times along with the locket of Slytherin that her father had left for her in the Slytherin vaults.

Ragnok also informed them that since Lexi was now the sole heir of Slytherin she also owned twenty-five percent of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade since every heir of the four Hogwarts houses had 25% ownership of both properties. It is because of this very reason that Lara owns 50% of said properties.

She is the heir of both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw due to the fact the Blacks have a connection to Ravenclaw and well as for Hufflepuff, she inherited that through the Potters and the Peverell'. Dorea Black (A great-aunt of the Black Siblings) who had married the last Potter heir didn't manage to have any kids with her husband, and since they were scared of the Potter and Peverell lines dying, they decided to leave their lordship towards the eldest heir of the Black Family which happened to be Sirius. Hence the reason that Lara became the new heir of these titles at birth.

Once they were done with the transfer of lordships, the four of them finally left Gringotts satisfied with the outcome.

January 1991

A lot has happened in the past ten years with the children now almost eleven years old. One major thing was that another member was added into the Malfoy family a year after the first three kids were born and it was girl, finally breaking the whole stigma of no girls being born into the Malfoy line. Pandora and Xenophilius Malfoy decided to name their miracle Luna Elizabeth Malfoy, and she was born with the signature Malfoy Platinum blonde hair and ivory blue eyes.

Anyways unlike the half-bloods and muggle-born children who don't exactly receive any magical education prior to coming to Hogwarts, most pureblood families take it upon themselves to make sure their kids are well versed in some basic magical knowledge.

In the case of the Blacks and the Malfoys, they made sure to educate their children from the moment they were able to start talking. Lara, Lexi, Draco and Luna had been taking lessons on almost all the subjects known to wizards from each of their family members and were already excellent at their chosen subjects by the time they were at least nine.

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