The Reason I Do The Things I Do Is Because I...

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Ch5: The Reason I Do The Things I Do Is Because I...

Day 11

"Hey Noah," I say as soon as he answers his phone pushing my brown hair behind my ear.

"Lydia," he answers "what's up?"

"I can't make it today," I lie while sitting down on the couch "I have other things to do."

"It's fine," he speaks trying not to sound upset "maybe next time."

"I'm sorry Noah," I talk as the door opens and Elliot walks inside. He closes the door and smiles at me while pointing at the Chipotle takeout he's s holding.

"Don't worry about it babe," I hear Noah say and I can imagine him winking as he says it.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later," I hang up as Elliot sits down next to me.

"I bought breakfast," he grins.

"Thanks," I take the bag and put it on the table "what you buy?"

"For you," he walkes towards me "I got a bowl with chicken, brown rice, black beans, cheese, guacamole and sour cream."

"Thank you," I grab silverware and cups "what did you get?"

"For me," he pulls out a bottle of apple juice from the fridge "I ordered a bowl with chicken, pinto beans, white rice, sour cream, guacamole, and cheese."

How much money did he waste on our food?

I can't let him do these type of things because it would mean were friends, right?

Is he my friend?

Defiantly not. He's only here because I'm forced to have him here.

No emotions Lydia.

"How much was my plate?" I ask while sitting on the table in front of him.

"My treat," he eats "don't worry."

"Was it expensive?" I insist grabbing a spoonful of food.

"I talked to Jason today," he ignores my question "and he told me we were a month behind on rent."

Shit. No.

Elliot didn't.

"Yeah," I nod "I'll pay it next week El."

"Did you just call me El?" he smirks.

Crap. Did I?

Oh, shit I did. I always put nicknames on people it's a big mistake I make. Lisa is Liz. Jason is J. Now Elliot is El.

"I like it," he smiles, a big wide happy smile "but I get to call you Lyddie."


Aha, no.

"About the rent," Ignore his statement.

"I already paid it," he interrupts me.

No. No. No.

He can't do these types of things.

"What?" I exclaim while standing up "why did you do that?"

"It's not a big deal," he says surprised at my outburst.

It's a huge deal Elliot.

"It is a big deal," I yell "because I can pay my own rent Elliot. I don't need your help."

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