Unsettling Distraction

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Mick woke up feeling unusually warm and comfortable, but the moment he opened his eyes, reality hit him. This wasn’t his room. His surroundings were cold and unfamiliar. He rubbed his eyes and sat up abruptly, flinching when he saw Rhyle sitting at his desk, his piercing gaze fixed on him.

"You sleep like a baby," Rhyle said, his voice low and teasing. "Did you have sweet dreams, little rabbit?"

Mick’s heart raced, and he quickly stood up, shrugging off the coat Rhyle had placed over him. His voice came out shaky but defiant. "Stop calling me that. I’m leaving."

Rhyle's smirk didn’t falter as he stood up and crossed the room toward Mick. "Leaving so soon? I thought we were just getting comfortable."

Mick took a step back, trying to keep his cool. "I’ve done what you asked. There’s no reason for me to stay here any longer."

"True," Rhyle replied, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "But don’t forget, little rabbit, we still have a deal. This is just day one. There’s a lot more to come."

Mick clenched his fists, feeling both angry and cornered. "I’m not your toy. You can’t just keep playing these sick games."

Rhyle took a step closer, leaning down until his face was mere inches from Mick’s. "You seem to think you have a choice in this. Remember what’s at stake."

Mick swallowed hard, his mind flashing to the photos and the threat they posed to his father’s reputation. He hated how powerless he felt in Rhyle’s presence. Without saying another word, Mick stormed out of the office, his heart pounding in his chest.

He didn’t go home. Facing his father after being out all night wasn’t an option. His father would interrogate him, and Mick wasn’t ready to answer those questions yet. He decided to head straight to the university instead. He’d come up with an excuse later, maybe say he stayed at a friend’s house for a late-night study session.

At the university, Mick tried to focus on his classes, but his mind kept drifting back to the tension-filled moments with Rhyle. He could still feel the heat of Rhyle’s gaze on him, the smugness in his voice. It was infuriating.

Just as Mick was beginning to calm down, his friends interrupted his thoughts with some worrying news. "Mick, did you hear?" one of his friends asked, sitting beside him in the lecture hall.

"Hear what?" Mick asked, still distracted.

"We’ve got an important exam in four days," his friend replied, sounding stressed. "The professors just announced it. If we pass, we’ll get special guidance from the top professionals in the industry. It’s a huge opportunity."

Mick’s stomach twisted. Of course, this exam was critical. If he passed, not only would it open doors for his future, but his father had been counting on this exam as well. His father’s reputation would grow even more if Mick succeeded.

Suddenly, the weight of it all came crashing down on him. "Four days...?" he muttered, already feeling the pressure. He was the best student in the class, but even that didn’t stop the anxiety from creeping in.

"Yeah, it’s crazy," his friend replied, rubbing his temples. "Everyone’s stressing out. We’ve got to start cramming now."

Mick nodded absentmindedly. His head was spinning. He had to focus. This exam meant everything. His father had drilled into him how crucial it was to succeed, and Mick couldn’t afford to mess it up.

As soon as his classes were over, Mick rushed home. He spent the evening pouring over his books, determined to block out everything else and study as much as he could. But as soon as he began to focus, his phone buzzed on the desk.


Mick groaned and hesitated, but he knew ignoring Rhyle wouldn’t help. With a frustrated sigh, he opened the message.

"Are you missing me already, little rabbit?"

Mick’s hands shook with irritation as he read the message. Why did Rhyle have to disturb him now? He typed a quick reply.

"Leave me alone. I have an important exam in four days. I don’t have time for your games."

Within seconds, Rhyle responded.

"Oh? Shouldn’t you be thanking me then? All that stress—maybe I can help relieve it."

Mick could practically hear Rhyle’s mocking tone through the text. He clenched his jaw, refusing to let Rhyle get under his skin.

"I’m not joking. Don’t contact me again until my exam is over."

Rhyle's reply was immediate.

"You forget who’s in control here. I’ll contact you whenever I want. And if you don’t answer, well… you know the consequences, little rabbit."

Mick slammed his phone down onto the desk, his frustration boiling over. He couldn’t deal with Rhyle’s games on top of the pressure of this exam. His father’s reputation, his own future—they were all on the line, and Rhyle was making it impossible to focus.

Mick leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling as the weight of everything settled on his shoulders. The looming exam, the suffocating demands from his father, and now Rhyle’s constant interference—it was all too much.

He grabbed his phone again, this time turning it off. He needed silence. No distractions.

But even with the phone off, his thoughts raced. Rhyle’s shadow hung over him, making it hard to concentrate. His mind was torn between the future he had worked so hard for and the tangled mess Rhyle had forced him into.

Taking a deep breath, Mick forced himself to open his books again. He couldn’t fail. No matter what, he had to focus.

Hours passed as he buried himself in his studies, his mind running on sheer determination. By the time he finally looked at the clock, it was well past midnight. Exhausted, Mick closed his books and dragged himself to bed.

As he lay down, his eyes heavy with exhaustion, one last thought echoed in his mind.

Tomorrow would be better. It had to be.


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