Emotional Storms

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Rhyle was growing restless. It had been two days since he had last seen Mick, and though he’d given Mick a break, the silence was starting to get under his skin. His “little rabbit” was nowhere to be found. Rhyle had been texting Mick, but there was no response, and it was driving him crazy.

Sitting at his desk, Rhyle typed out another message:

"How are you, little rabbit? Hope you passed the exam. I know I did a bad thing, but now I want you to come back and do your work. I’ve already given you too much time to rest, so come back."

He waited, staring at his phone, but just like the last few days, there was no reply. Rhyle clenched his fist, irritation bubbling beneath the surface. He thinks he can escape? Thinks he can just ignore me? Rhyle’s patience was wearing thin. He sent a few more texts over the next couple of days, but Mick still didn’t reply.

Mick, on the other hand, didn’t even know Rhyle had been messaging him. His father had taken his phone after discovering he had failed his exam. It had been a dark few days for Mick—his father’s cold glares, the silent dinners, and the ever-present weight of disappointment.

Mick sat in his room, staring at his hands. His body was still recovering from the bruises, his father’s words cutting deeper than any physical wound. He thought about Rhyle, about the deal they had, but he didn’t know how to reach him. A part of him wished he could explain what was happening, but he felt trapped. There was no way out.


Two more days passed, and Rhyle had reached his breaking point. He was furious now, pacing back and forth in his office. This brat... He pulled out his phone, ready to call Mick, but stopped. No. He’s thinking he’s gotten away. He’s thinking he can just ignore me. I’ll remind him who’s in charge.

Rhyle smirked darkly to himself, then sent a package to Mick’s house. Inside were the photos from that night and the pendrive, a not-so-subtle reminder of their deal.


At Mick’s house, a maid received the package, but as Mick passed by, he caught sight of it. His heart dropped when he saw Rhyle’s name on the label. Trembling, he took the package from the maid’s hands.

"I’ll give it to my father," Mick said quickly, trying to sound calm.

The maid nodded and walked away. Mick rushed to his room, his hands shaking as he tore the package open. His eyes widened in horror as the photos tumbled out. No... no, no, no. His breath came in sharp gasps as he imagined his father finding them. He clutched the pendrive in his hand, his mind racing. What if he’d seen it? He would’ve killed me...

But as the fear settled in, a different emotion took over—anger. Rhyle had gone too far. He wasn’t going to take it anymore. Without thinking, he gathered everything and stormed out of the house, heading straight for Rhyle’s office.


Rhyle was sitting at his desk when the door swung open. Mick entered without knocking, his eyes blazing with fury. Rhyle leaned back in his chair, smirking.

"You’ll never leave this habit of entering without knocking, will you, little rabbit?" Rhyle’s tone was playful, but wasn’t in the mood.

Without a word, Mick stormed toward him and threw the photos onto Rhyle’s face, his voice trembling with rage.

"You’re so shameless, Rhyle! How could you do this?!" Mick shouted, his fists clenched. "Do you even know what would’ve happened if my father had seen these?"

Rhyle’s smirk faded, his expression darkening. He slowly stood up, his eyes narrowing.

"You shouldn’t have done this, boy," Rhyle said calmly, his voice taking on a dangerous edge. He moved swiftly, pinning Mick against the wall with one hand around his throat. "You think you can act like this just because I’ve been good to you? I could end you right here."

Mick gasped, his back pressed hard against the wall. Rhyle’s grip was tight, his face inches away from Mick’s. For a moment, Mick thought Rhyle would actually follow through with his threat. But then, something changed. Tears welled up in Mick’s eyes—tears he had been holding back for so long. Rhyle froze. Mick was crying. He had never seen Mick cry before, never seen him give up ever before.

Mick’s voice broke as he spoke, his words barely audible. "I... I failed the exam."

Rhyle’s grip loosened slightly, but he didn’t let go. Mick continued, his voice shaking.

"You ruined everything. My dad is already so disappointed in me. What if he’d seen the pictures? He would’ve... he would’ve killed me."

Rhyle’s eyes flickered with confusion. He stared at Mick, unsure of what to say. Mick, in a broken whisper, added, "You won’t believe me, right? but I have proof."

With trembling hands, Mick unbuttoned his shirt slightly, revealing the scars on his chest—bruises and marks from the abuse he had endured. Rhyle’s expression shifted from confusion to shock. He had never imagined that Mick’s father would hurt him like this.

Rhyle’s hand dropped from Mick’s throat. His heart pounded in his chest as he looked at the bruises, anger simmering within him—but not toward Noah. For the first time in a long time, Rhyle didn’t know how to react.

Mick stood there, his head hanging in shame. Rhyle stepped closer, his anger toward Mick fading as something new crept into his heart. He reached forward and gently buttoned Mick’s shirt back up, his fingers trembling slightly. For the first time.

When he was done, Rhyle hesitated for a moment before offering his hand to Mick. He didn’t say anything, but his gesture was clear. To Rhyle’s surprise, Mick stepped forward and hugged him tightly, breaking down completely in Rhyle’s arms. He sobbed into Rhyle’s chest, the weight of all his pain, fear, and frustration finally crashing down.

As Mick buried his face into Rhyle’s chest, his sobs grew louder, shaking with every breath. Rhyle could feel Mick’s small hands gripping his shirt tightly, his fragile body pressed against him, trembling. It was the first time Mick had completely broken down, the weight of everything crashing down on him all at once. Rhyle stood there, frozen for a moment, his arms hesitantly wrapped around Mick.

He had always seen Mick as strong, stubborn even—someone who wouldn’t let anyone break him. But now, in his arms, Mick was vulnerable, a side of him Rhyle had never seen before.

This boy is so precious, Rhyle thought to himself, his grip around Mick tightening slightly as he felt each tear soak into his shirt. And yet, I didn’t take care of him. The thought struck him hard. Rhyle had tormented Mick, toyed with his emotions, pushed him past his limits. But now, holding him in this broken state, something shifted deep inside.

Mick’s hands continued to cling to him as if he was the only thing holding him together. And for once, Rhyle didn’t want to let go. He felt an unfamiliar sense of protectiveness rise within him.

Without thinking, Rhyle whispered, "I’m sorry..." His voice was barely audible, as if the words were hard for him to admit. He was a man who never apologized, but seeing Mick like this broke through the walls he had built around his heart. "I should have… protected you better."

Mick didn’t respond in words, but his grip tightened even more, as if those few words from Rhyle meant the world to him.


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