Chapter 13

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During that time, the discovery and the wand were not the only significant events. My father also made extensive preparations for my entry into the wizarding world. He assembled a diverse team: top graduates who were Squibs or Muggles with magical relatives, Muggleborns, Half-bloods, and others who hadn't found positions in the wizarding world.

He recruited a team of qualified scientists, Squibs or relatives of wizards, to assist in the lab during experiments involving magical elements, ensuring the state of secrecy remained unbroken. Additionally, he formed a team of lawyers qualified in both Muggle and magical law, consisting of Muggleborns, Half-bloods, and Squibs.

To ensure my safety, he hired muggleborn bodyguards who were masters of both muggle and magical combat, including some retired Aurors. After conducting thorough background checks on everyone, he even allowed me to participate in the interviews. He said it was training for inheriting the company, emphasising that I would need a good eye for people.

Strangely, the candidate that caught my attention wasn't a scientist or a bodyguard who could duel with spells and fists, but a lawyer. His name was Ted Tonks. A normal muggleborn lawyer who specialised in magical law, so why does my gut say that there is something about him that I should know.

Two weeks after my father hired him, I was proven to be correct. My father let a little detail slip through the background check. He confirmed that he was married but did not pay attention to who. I was curious about the magic world so I searched for him, and asked a million questions about the government. Made a bit of small talk and then learned that he had a wife and child who was currently starting her last year in Hogwarts. When he mentioned his wife's name I froze at my place. Could it be her? It would be so much of a coincidence. Even though I know that there is a big possibility of not being the same person I bolted outside the office searching for my mother.

I ran to the garden, knowing she would be there having tea, as she always did on days she wasn't working. I arrived, red-faced and panting.

"Tony, mind your manners. You shouldn't run inside the house." She reprimed me.

"Mom, that is not important right now. I need to ask what are the names of your sisters ?" I anxiously dismissed her needing the confirmation.

"Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda. Tony, why are you acting so strange?" she asked, confused. I could see that she was concerned with my behaviour.

"I think that Dad's new lawyer is married to one of your sisters." I blurted out the truth before I could hold myself.

Mom was weirdly calm.

"Son, what are you talking about?"

I start rambling my theory to her. I think that she was suspicious too because she went to the office to meet with Dad without saying a single word.

I tried to eavesdrop. After some time Mom called Jarvis ordering him to bring Ted Tonks. They passed right beside the wall where I was hiding. I think that Jarvis noticed me because after he sent the lawyer into the office he came back to get me. Send me straight to my bedroom.

I do not know how many hours passed since then but the sky was already dark when Jarvis came to my room again. He came carrying a message that Mother wanted to see me. My steps were faster than normal. The first thing that I recognised when I entered the living room was that there were two strangers in my house. They sat together with Ted Tonks. Are they who I think they are? I calmed myself down until I achieved a confirmation.

"Hello. Mom, who are they?" I asked, pointing at the ladies. After turning my back to the guests.

"Tony, they are family. My sister Andromeda Black, well now it's Tonks, she is your aunt. This is your cousin Nymphadora. By some miracle, you identified this coincidence that allowed us to be connected after many years." Mother explained introducing them to me. This immediately made me pay attention to the atmosphere in the room. My new aunt and mother's eyes were slightly swollen and there were tear marks on their faces. They probably caught up with each other in the previous years. I hope that this was not the reason why they cried. Perhaps there was a moving reunion happening before I arrived. I will try to ask my father later.

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