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i've prayed too much. my heart aches from the words that bleed form my mouth. today i cried for the world: i was reminded of bruised bodies & chained hands - who could free her form such terror? the world, with her bruised lips: smiled at me, the edges of her teeth covered with blood not of her own. she fights through the oceans that rage on her skin & she desperately begs for death, to hold her hand & walk her out into the sunshine. far from the darkness that surrounded her. her lover had left her: pride had betrayed her, greed had taken advantage of her, jealousy had left her empty, sadness had broken her to pieces. now there she is helpless & need. her heart is an amalgamation of wars raging in her mind: the seams of her sanity broke through to let out madness overtake the very little of her being. insignificant. brittle. dust. she had become a small thing. would could save her now?

"all creation has been groaning 
as in the pains of childbirth."

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