Chapter 2

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"Eve I know this seems a bit far-fetched but it's all the truth, I have no idea why your parents choose not to tell you but I do know that they would have told you in the end, this is something really special in our family and I know it's a lot to take in but it's all the truth darling you are one of us, it explains why you have been feeling the way you have but I will answer any questions you have" she says,

My Uncle talks next "Eve your Aunt and I would like to take you to meet our pack leader, our Alpha, we belong to his pack and he knows of your arrival but we had no idea how clueless you would be, I think it would be best if you met some of the younger pack member" He says.

Ok information overload so I'm a werewolf I mean come on but then a question pops into my head so I ask "So will I change on the full moon and everything?" well it's a fair question

"No honey you will be able to control when you let your wolf out but we are our most powerful under a full moon, it's also when we are more likely to meet our mates as our senses are heightened but that doesn't always matter I found my mate your Aunt here at high school and the rest is history"

"Mate" I ask

"Yes darling all werewolves have mates, their other half's, your soul mate if you like" he said but I'm in a whole other world what's happening here

"So your saying not only am I a wolf but I will meet a man that will be my soul mate, well what if I don't want him?" I'm shouting now but I don't care

"Eve you will want him darling you will want him more than anything, the first time you meet you will just know it's like love at first sight only stronger believe me I felt the same way until I met Sam here then it all fit into place" she looks at him the same way my parents looked at each other and it all makes sense, the late night 'Runs' my parents loved so much, the way they seemed to love each other more and more every day.

"Ok so what else should I know?" I ask intrigued

"Well to start our Alpha runs our pack The Browning pack, the entire town is made up of werewolves everybody that lives and works here are the same, the kids at school will be just like you so that shouldn't worry you but our new Alpha has a bit of a reputation, he recently took his father's position after he was killed in a battle with a rival pack but he is young only just 18 but he has been raised from birth to take over so we believe in him" he says

"Will I have to meet him" I don't know that I want the answer but I ask anyway

"yes we have to take you to meet him tonight so he can officially make you a part of his pack and you will also see him at school as he still attends his mother will not let him drop out" He laughs so big bad Alpha still has to do as mummy say's ha well how scary can he be, not as bad as taking in everything that I have heard in the last 20 or so minuets how bad can he be I mean he's 18 what harm can he do.

"Tonight, why tonight can't I wait I mean I only just found all this out and to be honest I'm a little freaked out" I feel like begging them not to make me go but I get the feeling that won't make any difference,

"Oh honey I'm sorry but he has requested your presence at tonight's pack meeting we cannot disobey him" she means it I can tell so I agree to go.

So I'm trying to proses what I've been told and unpack whilst getting ready for tonight when Aunt Sharon walks in "Eve darling you have to be ready by 6pm the meeting starts at 7 but we are all meeting at Alpha Jakes house for dinner first" she says quickly before heading back out.

So I'm ready, it's so hot here I know my purple summer dress and sandals will be fine, I plait my long hair to the side and apply a little make up, I mean I don't know these people so why not make an effort, it's the first time I've even felt like it since my parents.

Forever Mine.....The Browning Pack! PG13 versionWhere stories live. Discover now