Chapter 3

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I walk into the house and I’m hit by it straight away his scent, it’s amazing I can even smell him but that’s another question for Sharon later. He smells amazing I have never in my life smelt anything this mouth-wateringly good it only serves to intensify that feeling of taking him here and now, and when I look towards him again catching his eye I know he’s thinking the exact same thing I can see the lust in his mirrored in mine, that thought scares me.

I have no experience I’m a virgin and I don’t even know his name, how can I think about him that way? He smiles at me and I swear I swoon a little he is just stunning.

 When we are all inside, myself, my Aunt and uncle, and I notice a few other people I don’t know dotted around the room, but he looks at ease, then he speaks using the huskiest deep sexy voice I have ever heard it vibrates to my bones and my stomach clenches in pleasure, my insides are already tingling from the electric feeling that was passing between us I want him right now,

“Please take a seat” we all do as he say’s

“Eve this is our Alpha Jake, Jake this is our niece Eve” she introduced I’m totally lost, Alpha, but this man is mine How can my mate be the Alpha. I must have looked so confused,

“My love you are beautiful” he says crouching in front of me and I’m knocked sideways again

“Hi” was all I could manage I must have looked like such an idiot but I felt like I was going to pass out, my heart, still racing from being here with him was now going over time, my breathing was coming out too fast and I was feeling more than a little light headed and then I knew it was going to happen but I couldn’t stop it, my brain was going into overdrive, how am I meant to proses all this information?.

I could distantly hear my Uncle calling my name, felling him grab my arm before I slumped off of the sofa and then his hand is ripped away from mine before being replaced with two more big strong hands that were making my entire body burn, I could feel the tiny shocks where he was touching me and then I heard the one word that made my wolf sing with happiness

“Mine” he raged. That’s when the lights went out completely.

I opened my eyes just the smallest bit, I had no idea where I was, and this was not my new room. This room was huge and I was lying on the biggest bed I have ever seen. I chanced it and opened my eyes fully

“Welcome back beautiful” he teased but he scared the shit out of me and with speeds I never knew I was capable off I was across the room with my back to the wall, I was in defence mode when I realised who it was, my wolf was trying to tell me but my human side was trying to take over again,

It was Jake and I didn’t need to be scared of him because he was mine. He was in front of me less that 3 seconds after I moved he was standing with his hands on each side of my head braced against the wall, I was effectively caged in, oh shit, It’s then I notice he is topless, wearing only his jeans from earlier and was barefoot but It was his chest he really is a god like a sculpture, his abs’ are perfectly defined his tan skin looks so soft I want to lean forward and taste him.

He leans forward resting his face in my hair and whispers,

“Like what you see?”  Cocky bastard,

“What am I doing here, where are my aunt and uncle?” I ask him quietly,

“You didn’t answer my question and I did ask first but I’ll let you off this time, you’re here my beautiful Eve because you are mine my sweet girl” he growls the last part into my ear and I feel like I could explode from wanting this man so much, then I notice that my underwear is damp, fuck he has me wet and he hasn’t even touched me yet, as I think this I hear his groan which makes me feel so hot I growl oh my god I just growled,

Forever Mine.....The Browning Pack! PG13 versionWhere stories live. Discover now