Chapter 3

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Mari/Mei's POV

Class just ended and everyone's excited about the trip. Of course, lie-la couldn't stop talking about her time in China with the princess. Honestly, it still amazes me how they take her words at face value. Like, how dense are they? And Alya, she tells me to "fact check" when she's the reporter.

I started walking outside the classroom with Chloe, everyone else had already left. When we got to the stairs we saw Chloe's limo there so we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. But before I could step out to cross the street, someone grabbed my arm, pulling me into an alley. When the person stopped they threw me on the floor. I looked up and saw Alya, Lie-la and the rest of her sheep.

I already knew what was coming so I braced myself. They started beating me up: punching, kicking and slapping me. At one point I saw something shiny in one of their hands and knew it was time to drop the act.(Alya had the knife)

Before she could stab me, I grabbed her arm with both my hands and disarmed her, knocking her out as well. After that I made quick work of the others. Kim tried punching me but I caught it. I twisted his arm and punched him in the face with great force, making him stumble backwards. I used this chance, while the others were distracted with Kim, to knock them all out except Lie-la, Rose, Mylene, Sabrina and Nathaniel.

I then turned towards them and said," If you try to attack me again I won't hesitate to knock you out too. And if you tell ANYONE about this, well, let's just say they won't be able to find your bodies." They nodded swiftly and ran out of the alley. I just chuckled and went home.


When I got to the bakery, I immediately went upstairs to talk to my aunt and uncle. The bakery was closed due to them taking a break. I walked up the stairs to the apartment and went in. Aunt Sabine was there sitting down watching TV.

When she saw me she beckoned me over to sit down. I obliged. She promptly explained," Your father thought you would want your friends there at your coronation to support you and," she paused waiting a little before continuing, "he figured your coronation would be a good time to expose the liar and all her and I quote 'bullshit'." she finished. " Maybe call him for more clearance." she said. I just nodded in understanding and went upstairs to call my father.

In her room

I threw my bag down on my chaise and called my dad.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Dad, how could you invite my class to my coronation and not tell me?" I questioned.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, Mei." he said.

"At least give me a heads up the next time you do something like this." I told him. " Also I may have dropped the act, but it was for a good reason."

"And what might this reason be?" he asked.

"I may have almost been............stabbed" I said. It went silent on the other end and I could hear something breaking.

"Was it the assassins? Did they find you? You're coming back home as soon as possible young lady." he said sternly.

"No Dad, it's just, I'm being bullied at school because a liar turned my friends against me. They beat me up because apparently "I beat up Lie-la". "And please don't make me come home now, it's just a few weeks." I said.

"I'll allow you to stay, but drop the act and protect yourself. Also why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"I didn't want you to worry about me and send more bodyguards." I said to him.

"Alright but, please, be careful and stay safe. Bye Mei." he said.

"Bye Dad." I responded then hung up.

After talking with my dad, I started on my homework.

An hour later I was finished so I texted Marc and asked him to come over so we could train. He answered after a minute and said he was on his way. I used this time to change. When he arrived, we went to the underground gym installed on the property so I could still practice and train while in Paris.

We did our warmup: stretching, 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, 100 pullups and 50 laps around the gym. After we finished we started sparring with each other. This went on for a while before we decided to start practicing our aim with our guns.

When we finally finished everything, Marc went home because it was now nighttime and I went upstairs to my room to get ready for bed. I patched up my bruises from earlier and from training, changed into my night attire then finally retired for the night.

AN: I hope you liked this chapter. I'll try to stick to the weekly update schedule. Bye.

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