Magic Boats Can Enter Magical Planes

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"What just happened, Ophir?" asked Vaporia her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Captain Ironclaw, a magical pirate, with a magical pirate ship, can cross the magical planes in this world. I have no control over their actions, but I can tell you where your friends will end up around the vicinity of this island buried underwater," Ophir responded. "It is getting them closer to the home of the giants."

"You're coming with us, aren't you?" Maui asked concern evident in his voice as a demigod. "Your home was exposed to that pirate."

"Of course, I am coming and so is my brother Or. You don't know the tricky nature of the path that leads to that dark forest."

A brown porthole began to spin as Ophir raised his left hand. As the window slowly revealed itself, it unveiled not the clear ocean just outside his palace, but instead the deep darkness of the sea, surrounded by a very black kelp-wrapped forest of real trees forced to become submerged.

"Is that a sperm whale?" gasped Maui. "Good grief, Tessa is very talented!"

Ophir put his fingers to his lips, signaling them to be quiet. He then communicated telepathically with them in their minds. "This is not a double mirror of water; the other side can hear whatever we say out loud. Keep your mouth shut if you want to stay straight on your course. The vapor your Mistress requires lies in the geyser in the midst of that ancient castle, destroyed and tangled by seaweed."

As the swirling darkness of the porthole showed glimpses of the mysterious underwater realm, the group felt an unease settle over them. They understood the gravity of their mission and the perils that lay ahead.
"Let's move carefully," Vaporia whispered, her senses heightened. "Every word counts, and we must approach this cautiously if we're to retrieve the vapor."With a shared resolve, they prepared to venture forth, knowing that teamwork would be crucial to navigate the treacherous waters ahead."Stay close together, and don't stray from each other's sides," Ophir instructed, his authority clear. "The kelp forest is filled with dangers from unknown creatures that lurk beneath."
With sobering determination, they stepped through the portal, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the depths of the ocean, driven by their mission and the strength of their bond.

Aisha could see the forest was anything but normal; in fact, she smelled the stench of death wafting from the back of the sperm whale.
"Those are dead land animals, aren't they, that I'm smelling?" Aisha asked, her voice laced with dread.
"Yes, black-furred rabbits, mercilessly drowned. They are native species to the island, Aisha," Tessa replied her expression disheartened as she took in the grim sight.

The seaweed draped over the lifeless bodies of the black-furred rabbits, tangling them in thick strands that swayed gently with the current, reminiscent of fish strung up after a long day's catch. It painted a haunting scene, shadows dancing among the twisted kelp of the underwater forest.

"Girls, I think we should keep our mouths shut; we're not alone down here," Jim whispered scanning the eerie surroundings with a look of concern.
"Of course you would say that, Jim, knowing how stalker-ish you've been," Aisha shot back a hint of sarcasm in her tone.
"To be honest, that's on brand for any pirate—good or bad. They can never help being too nosy," Tessa added trying to lighten the atmosphere despite the unsettling scene before them. As they moved cautiously, the weight of their situation sank in deeper. The underwater forest felt alive with hidden dangers and the chilling reminder of what lay beneath the waves filled them with unease. They exchanged wary glances knowing that staying alert was their only chance of survival in this dark, twisted landscape.
"Is that a castle, tangled by this greasy black seaweed?" Jim said squinting as he gazed into the distance. The stone walls of the castle appeared to be crumbling, cracks spidering out from where the seaweed had stubbornly rooted itself.
"This is where the whale stops; she won't go any further," Tessa replied her voice tinged with concern.
"I wouldn't blame her," Aisha added a shiver running down her spine. "This whole place gives me the creeps."
"I told you someone is listening to everything we say." Jim shot back glancing over his shoulder nervously.
"Well, turning back means dealing with Ironclaw," Tessa countered her tone firm. "Come on, guys, stay close to me."
Jim's brow furrowed as he muttered under his breath, "I can't believe she outmatched me. No one outmatches me, Captain Hook. I hate that."
"Is that your biggest fear, then? Being outmatched by just anyone?" Aisha laughed her voice lightening the mood."
"Anyone but your lovely soul," Jim retorted flashing a grin at her.
"No comment," Aisha replied though her cheeks flushed slightly. "I will keep on hoping for you to one day say yes," Jim added an earnest glimmer in his eyes.
"Yikes," Tessa shrieked suddenly as they continued deeper into the castle. They swam into a study room bursting with magic, the water swirling with energy as papers floated above the desks. Three men dressed in robes stood frozen, encased in stone, leaning helplessly against their staffs.
"What did this?" Aisha gasped scanning the bizarre scene before them.
"Look up there—there's a sign, Aisha. It's in another language." Jim pointed toward a dusty plaque hanging above. "I think it says Sgìre do Dhóchas in Archaic Gaelic a Celtic language," Jim deduced leaning closer. "It means 'Entrance to Despair.'"
"How do you know what it means?" Tessa asked, intrigued.
"I'm a full-blood British guy over here; different languages surround my world. You kind of have to be aware of what everybody says about you, ladies." Jim replied a smirk playing on his lips.
"That explains why you can't accept a simple 'no' as a true answer," Aisha snapped back; her irritation flaring slightly. "Stop reminding me of my late boyfriend!"
At that moment, Tessa felt the sea floor tremble beneath them making her stumble a bit.
"Topaz Pillaring Shield!" Tessa conjured the spell, erecting a shimmering barrier just in time to protect her friends from a  couple falling block of square stones.
"Wow, that was close! What caused that?!" Aisha exclaimed catching her breath.
"The arguing, I believe triggered it, Aisha," Tessa responded; her eyes wide as she glanced around nervously. "And I think once the stone touches you, you turn into them!" She pointed at the trio of frozen men behind her.
"Look out! Here comes more!" Jim called out.
Tessa dodged sideways her instincts sharp. "Man, I wish I had my mermaid tail right now. I could dodge these much faster!"
"My powers aren't working," Aisha shouted, desperately trying to summon her abilities. "It's like the water is magically sealed off."
Jim, with his eyes darting suddenly pulled Aisha out of the way of two falling stone blocks. He wrapped his arms around her
anchoring her in his embrace. "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you or your friend, Aisha. You can trust me."
Aisha hesitated torn between the fear crawling up her spine and the façade of safety that Jim offered. Despite the warmth of his embrace, something held her back from voicing her doubts. She couldn't bring herself to say to Jim. "Okay, I trust you."
Flashes of Nabu embracing her flooded her mind, making her push Jim away forcefully. "I'm nobody's girl!" she replied defiantly.
The water thickened rapidly, transforming from clear liquid into a swirling cyclone of hot mist!

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