The Meeting Point

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Halloween was incredibly important in the Fortune-Knight family. It always has been. Really if it weren't for Halloween Winter and Autumn never would have gotten together. Their shared love of the holiday led to them being completely themselves at that fateful staff party, allowing them to see their colleague in a new light. To realize that they didn't actually despise each other, that they actually wanted each other. Needed each other.

They found it poetic that they finally realized their true feelings on a holiday that originally celebrated the meeting point between autumn and winter. And how every year since Halloween only became more special to them. From that first year celebrating a new relationship to last year celebrating as a newly married couple to now the list of reasons why they loved this time of year just kept growing. And this year was sure to be truly special. This year they got to celebrate their daughter's first Halloween.

As the early morning light streamed through the window, Autumn woke up feeling completely rested for the first time in months. It had been so long since she was able to wake up at her own pace. Most mornings she woke to the sound of her nearly three-month old daughter, Rose, who was starting to find her voice. She never complained though, she couldn't think of a better sound to wake up to. This morning, though, Winter was on the late shift at the nursery so he was able to take the morning shift with the baby. Once she was finally fully awake, Autumn heard quiet music drifting into the room from downstairs.

She quickly got out of bed and put on the dressing gown Winter had laid out for her eager to go join her family. Once she opened the door and could hear the music more clearly, she couldn't help but smile. It was one of her favorite songs, the perfect soundtrack for the day they had planned. A song that Winter had sung to her many times before. When she got downstairs she started to make her way into the lounge, pausing once she finally caught sight of Winter. He had one hand holding Rose close to his chest while the other held her arm out to mimic a ballroom hold. They spun around the floor as Winter sang quietly, each word directed to the little girl in his arms.

Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you

Autumn leaned on the door frame, careful not to disturb the scene playing out in front of her. She didn't want to spoil the perfect moment between the two loves of her life, the people who made her life complete. Who made her life perfect. The way Winter's voice, so gentle and full of love for his daughter, mixed with the gentle noises coming from Rose was enough to bring tears to Autumn's eyes. Admittedly, she was still quite emotional as she was still recovering from her pregnancy, but she was still Autumn. She wasn't one to cry over just anything.

Winter finally turned around to see his wife standing in the doorway watching them. A huge smile crawled across his face as their eyes met. He continued to sway with Rose as he made his way across the room to her. His song was now directed at Autumn.

I'm gonna tell you all the things my heart's been a-dyin' to be sayin'

Just like a ghost you've been a-hauntin' my dreams, but now I know

You're not what you seem

Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you

The second he was close enough, his free arm snaked around his wife's waist. He pulled her close as he placed a kiss on her lips.

"Good morning, my love."

"Good morning, my sweet." Autumn kissed him again before holding out her hands to take the baby. "And good morning to you, little one. Have you had a good morning with Papa?"

She couldn't help but laugh when she saw the clothes Winter had picked out for Rose. They had quite a collection of spooky themed outfits for their daughter, so many that she hadn't worn something that wasn't Halloween themed yet in the month. And it wasn't just Autumn and Winter buying them. Every person that had come to visit Rose brought with them a little holiday themed look for her because they knew just how much it meant to her parents. Today's selection was a present from Auntie Sorscha, a white onesie with spider webs that read "Son of a Witch." Given how fond Winter was of using the phrase "son of a bitch," their friend couldn't resist gifting the shirt to Rose. Thankfully, she had plenty more options to change her into before leaving the house.

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