Too Quiet

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A/N - We get like...a chili flake in this chapter. There might be a part two...if anyone is interested...

It was a peaceful Saturday morning. Mornings like this were extremely rare for the couple; mornings where they got to spend just a second together before the chaos of life with a two year old started up again. They would never complain about that though, they loved every minute they got to spend with their daughter; but they also still loved the times they could just be together, wrapped up in the love they always found in the other's eyes.

The couple still made sure to have their date nights, luckily they had a village's worth of friends and family who always jumped at the chance to hang out with Rose for the night; and they made sure to find little moments throughout the day to connect. Whether it was a stolen kiss...or their daughter focused on breakfast or a lunch hour spent in the safety of Autumn's locked office they made sure to take time for themselves.

Winter woke up first feeling the first light of day hit in through the window. His arms were wrapped tightly around Autumn, holding her close. He buried his head into her hair, breathing in her scent, savoring the time he got to spend with her and her alone. When Autumn began to stir in his arms he tightened his grip on his wife, giving her a quick kiss. He made sure to kiss her the very minute she woke up and at the very last second before she fell asleep so she could start and end the day knowing just how loved she was.

"Good morning, my love."

He looked down at his wife, a wide smile on his face and a cheerful glint in his eyes. Even after all these years, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to wake up next to a beauty like her every day. For a long time he worried that one day he was going to wake up and find her gone, find that maybe she never existed at all, that his whole life was going to have been a dream. Quickly he realized that his life was, in fact, a dream. He had everything he'd ever hoped for; his fantasies had become reality. He was never going to wake up from his dream because he was waking up to his dream.

"Good morning, my sweet."

Autumn looked around the room, expecting to find Rose curled up on the foot of the bed; but she wasn't. She stayed quiet for a minute waiting to hear the patter of her feet running down the hall; but they never came. She knew they couldn't waste these precious few moments they had to themselves before their favorite little third wheel came knocking on their door.

She cuddled further into her husband's chest, looking up into his eyes. The feeling of his arms wrapping around her and his hand rubbing her back brought her the same sense of comfort that it always did. She brought her lips to his, kissing him passionately as she pulled the covers over their head; pulling them into their own little world. They smiled into this kiss, still not breaking apart as they giggled about the fact they were hiding from their two year old. As their hands explored each other's bodies, Autumn couldn't shake one thing from her mind.


She whispered against him, trying to pull away. But Winter pulled her back in, bringing her even closer this time. She moaned as he deepened the kiss before trailing down her neck. His only response was a gentle hum against her skin that sent shivers down her spine. Autumn wanted nothing more than to give in, to let him share this time with him. But her thoughts kept gnawing at her.

"Winter, please."

They finally broke apart as his hands came to rest on her waist.

"Yes, my love."

"It's quiet."

"Yes, my darling," his voice was a low growl as his hand floated over her, ghosting up and down her curves.

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