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Yeosang's POV

I keep my phone inside my pocket and quickly walk to the dorm. As soon as I reached, I packed a bag, putting all the essentials inside. I don't have a choice except to leave without informing them. I made a mental note to inform them as soon as morning comes. Since it will take about three hours from Seoul to Jinju, I have to be fast so that the hospital are able to monitor my mom before the surgery.

I glanced at the clock, it's 5 at the morning already. The members must be waking up at noon since all of us slept late.

I booked a taxi on the app and went home. I no longer have a father. Only a mother. She turned 57 years old a few months ago and she's my everything. When she was diagnosed with a kidney disease, my world collapsed. I swore that day to do everything I can for her to be healthy again. To be honest, my salary wasn't that much compared to other members. Some of them composed the song and dance, so they got paid better. Some of them were invited to a variety show and others made their salary is much higher than mine.

Still, I am always grateful for what I have.

I shook my head, chasing all the thoughts and closed my eyes.

As soon as I arrived home, my mom's condition looks worse than before. She's been doing water dialysis ever since she was diagnosed with kidney failure. I barely convinced her on this and she agreed at last. I woke her up from her slumber and informed her about the surgery. She wasn't fond of the idea but I sternly asked her to cooperate for her own good. I packed her bag quickly and we went to the hospital straight away. The process of admitting her went quite long, so I ended up informing about my emergency absence in the group only at noon. I glanced at my mom who's quick to fall asleep. A smile formed on my lips.

-The Group Chat-

Me: Hi Hi guys, sorry to inform you late, but I will be taking leave for two weeks. Good luck on your schedule 😊

I shake my knees, nervously waiting for their reaction on this.

A few minutes after, a few messages came in.

Mingi: Yeosang-ah, we just saw the news. Someone pushed you at the airport. Are you okay?

Hongjoong: Yeosang-ah, I saw the video. The woman was holding something sharp. Did she hurt you?

Seonghwa: Yeosang-ah, I miss you. I hope you're doing well.

Jongho: Who is that woman? Why you didn't tell us that she harassed you?

Mingi: Ah, next time when we're at the airport, I will make sure to walk behind you, Yeosang-ah..

Hongjoong: Sorry we aren't aware about this.

Jongho: Why are you taking leave out of the blue? Is everything okay?

Yunho: Yeosang-ah, do you have a problem? Please tell us.

Yunho: Yeosang-ah, I'm sorry I didn't protect you

San: Were you hurt?

Me: It's all okay, guys. I have something personal to take care of. I will be back after two weeks hehe


Me: Just a small scratch. I'm okay.


San: Take picture now!

I read the message and furrowed my eyebrows. Why is he so demanding? If I show them the picture, they will make a big deal out of it. Wait..... they mentioned a news? It was on the news? Ahhh, if anything, I hate to see my own face in the news.

Quickly, I open my Safari and type my name.

ATEEZ Yeosang Was Harassed at The Airport Plus Agency Responds

ATEEZ Yeosang's Injury

ATEEZ Yeosang Reportedly Took Leave for Two Weeks

ATEEZ Yeosang Was Seen Going to Hospital Alone?

I quicly click on the last news. Someone saw me went to the hospital? Ahhh, I already hate this even before I read it.

Following the airport harassment incident, ATEEZ Kang Yeo Sang was seen going to a hospital alone without the manager approximately at 3:00 in the morning. Our team managed to interview the doctor whom treated him, she informed us that the visual member of ATEEZ, Yeosang, has received 6 stitches on his left arm. The doctor also said in the interview, the wound was probably caused by a razor that often being used in a barber shop. The agency, K Entertainment has not yet responded to this issue whether they are deciding to lodge a police report or not.

Previously, the member also received a death threats on social media where some netizens had criticized his appearance saying he is too ugly to be in the group despite being a visual member. Some of the threats also commenting about his close relationship with Wooyoung and San who mostly known as WooSan.
We hope all the fans will not cross the boundaries and continue to harass the member, Yeosang.

As soon as I finished reading the article, I feel a headache crashing down on me. Now, everyone will take the incident seriously. I put my phone on Do Not Disturb and turned it off. I will rest from the internet for these two weeks.

Because I am afraid they will call me an attention seeker again.

Stuffing my phone inside my jeans pocket, I quickly went back inside my mom's room. She is still sleeping. Then, the doctor asked me to follow him and explain to me about the surgery.

"The surgery will take place tomorrow at eleven in the morning. The patient needs to fast and only allowed to drink a water starting tonight at eleven until after the surgery. The surgeon will come here from another hospital at dawn to help with the surgery. Please follow me to sign an agreement and I will explain more in my room" the doctor said.

The talk with the doctor last about an hour. Listening to him, I am still feeling worried about how the surgery will go tomorrow.

I learnt that there will be two nephrologist involve in the surgery and the success rate will be 67% based on my mom's condition.

I glanced at the wall clock, it was 7pm already. I bought some bread and dishes at the cafeteria for my mom to eat.

"Yeosang-ah, is everything okay?" my mom asked as soon as I reached the room.

"Yes, mom. All are okay" I replied, holding her hand fondly.

"The doctor said you are not allowed to eat or drink anything from 11pm today until you finished surgery, okay?" I said, smiling at her.

"So, you should eat your dinner early today" I continued.

"Yeosang-ah, mommy is so sorry. I always burden you with my problems" she cried.

"Ma, please do not say that"

"You were never a burden to me. If anything, it was the other way. I am the burden" she laughed listening to me.

I keep her entertained with all my stories and jokes.

Just to make her feel at ease.

"I love you, Ma" I said, before she fell asleep.

My mother fell asleep quickly after eating her meal. I walked to the rooftop and enjoying the night breeze.

Taking out my phone from my pocket, I turned it on again and disable the Do Not Disturb function.

5 missed calls from San
2 missed calls from Hongjoong hyung

Tons of messaged in the group and personally, all from the members. Huh, they probably read that article.

I opened the group chat. They were all angry.

And trust me, they have all the right to be angry.

(The Group Chat)

San: (insert the article link)

Wooyoung: Are we no longer important for you? Why did you leave the dorm quietly like that?

Jongho: Yeah, we could've help you.

Hongjoong: Why you didn't ask for our help?

Seonghwa: Yeosang-ah, is it something going on? Please talk to us.

San: Don't bother hyung. He probably didn't even consider us as his friends. If not, why would he act like nothing happened?

Wooyoung: You even took two weeks' vacation out of the blue without discussing with us?

Wooyoung: I can't believe our 9 years friendship end like this.

I badly want to explain. But how? It's the truth that I keep a distance from you in exchange with money, Wooyoung-ah. I'm so sorry.

My mind keep thinking for my mom's surgery tomorrow that I decided I should put aside my problem and focus on her instead.

I decided to think about them later.

Sighing, I just mute the phone and walk back to my mother's room. I fell asleep on the sofa.

The time for my mother's surgery has come.

"Ms Lee, please inhale the anesthesia slowly" the nurse said.

My heart is beating so fast, I've never been this scared all my life. I worry about her.

Will everything be alright?

"Yeosang-ah, I love you. I am so sorry, my baby" Mom whispered to me right before she lost consciousness.

My tears fell down uncontrollably.

"Ma, I love you so much"

"I will be waiting here. Everything will be okay" I whispered to her, kissing her forehead.


Too many hours passed, why is she's not out yet? I clutched my fists so tight, and keep waiting.

I think when it's almost four in the evening that the surgeon came out. I rushed to him and ask,

"How is my mom?" I tried to calm myself down

"The transplant was successful. However, when we tried to connect the blood vessels, your mom got a heart attack. We tried our best to bring her back but she passed away at 3:45pm. I am so sorry, Mr Yeosang"

"D-did you say she p-passed away. You mean she's gone?" I whisper,


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