Who am I??

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On a moonlit night it seems as if the moonlight is scattering pearls on the earth. The branches of the trees shine in the moonlight and their shadows weave scary stories on the earth. The blanket of darkness is slowly spreading. The branches of the trees were entangled in the air as if they are frightened by some invisible force. The dim light of the moon would sometimes hide behind the clouds and then emerge again, as if some scary figure is appearing again and again.

Shadow's Pov :----------- 

The cold, damp earth presses against my face. A heavy weight seems to be on my chest, making it difficult to breathe. Slowly, I force my eyelids open, blinking against the dim light filtering through the trees.A sense of dread washes over me as I try to sit up, but my body is weak and sore. I'm alone, and terrified.

My body feels very light, as if I am not on earth but in space. When I looked around, it seems as if there is a strange atmosphere around me.



It's a graveyard!! 

What am I doing here!? "

I looked around me, there were graves spread all around. Some are new, some are very old. The moss and grass growing on the graves are making them even scarier. There is a strange coolness in the air.


How can this happen??? 

I was at my home... "

I tried to remember but couldn't remember anything, as if someone has erased some info from my mind. The moon cast eerie shadows as I ventured deeper into the graveyard. A sudden gust of wind whipped through the towering trees, sending a shiver down my spine. Just as I was about to turn back, a chilling voice whispered in my ear, "Lost, are you?" 

My blood ran cold as I spun around, my eyes locked on a spectral figure emerging from the fog. A spectral form loomed before me, its gaze fixed upon mine. Cloaked in a billowing white shroud, it seemed to materialize from the shadows. Its eyes! Its eyes were like two black pearls, gleaming in the darkness. As the apparition drifted closer, a bone-chilling cold swept through the air. The trees, their branches clawing at the sky, seemed to shudder in fear of the unseen presence. It is brighter than moonlight. It is flying.......

I stood there, paralyzed with fear. My heart pounded in my chest like a drumbeat. Its voice, a chilling whisper, echoed in my ears, "Don't be afraid. I won't harm you."

I couldn't believe it. Its words sounded hollow. But slowly, there was a strange calmness in its voice. A sadness in its eyes. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. With my eyes closed, I'm hoping it's all a dream, a scary dream that only comes when you're too stressed. Something like sleep paralysis..... 

And as soon as you open your eyes, all this will disappear and you will find yourself in your home with your lovely bed. When I opened them, It came closer and softly said, "Forgive me. I didn't mean to scare you."

I've always prided myself on my rational mind. I've scoffed at tales of the supernatural, dismissing them as mere folklore or figments of overactive imaginations. But now, standing here in the graveyard I'm confronted with something that defies all logic and reason. You're seeing things you never thought possible, hearing sounds that defy explanation. Your mind is racing, trying to find a logical explanation, but there's none. Your heart is pounding as you struggle to reconcile what you're seeing with your understanding of the world. Is this a hallucination? A trick of the light? Or is there actually something supernatural at work here?

Oneday....(Duskwood fanfiction)[Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now