The Criminal!

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(Y/N)'s eyes widened in terror, her pupils dilating as she froze, paralyzed with fear. The cold metal of the gun pressed against her temple, its chill seeping into her skin.

The macaw, sensing freedom, squawked triumphantly, flapping its vibrant wings.

(Y/N)'s heart, once racing, now seemed to have stopped beating altogether. Her chest felt like a heavy boulder, weighing her down.

But then, a spark of determination ignited within her. She recalled a self-defense move. With calculated precision, (Y/N) slowly lifted her leg, muscles tensed.

In one swift motion, she kicked and pushed him with all her might.

The stranger stumbled backward, hissing in pain as he fell to the ground.

(Y/N) seized the opportunity, dashing toward the back door. She glanced back, expecting the stranger to give chase.

Instead, she saw him lying motionless, a crimson liquid spreading from his forehead.

(Y/N) turned to flee, but the macaw's frantic squawks pierced the air, halting her escape. The bird's desperate attempts to rouse its master tugged at her heartstrings.

She glanced outside, Suddenly sirens grew louder, and armed forces surrounded there. FBI cars lined the streets, their lights flashing like beacons of impending doom.

«What have I gotten myself into? This can't be happening.»

«But he was a criminal, or so it seemed.»

«What if he's innocent? What if there's more to this story?»

The macaw's persistent squawks mirrored her doubts. Its tiny eyes pleaded for help. (Y/N)'s heart wrenched.

She envisioned the consequences of aiding him. Yet, she couldn't shake off the feeling.

She needed to think logically, weigh the facts. But emotions clouded her judgment.

As she stood there, paralyzed, the stranger's chest rose and fell.
Shallow breaths
Fleeting life

(Y/N)'s decision would change everything.

She remained lost in thought when the macaw fluttered beside her, tugging at her sleeves. It guided her toward the injured stranger, its eyes shining with devotion.

«This bird loves its master, and he must care for it too. How could a person who loves animals be entirely bad?»

Her rational mind countered, "Your career, your safety - everything you've worked for - could be jeopardized by helping this criminal."

"Perhaps, I should help him, not for his sake, but for the bird's."

With a deep breath, (Y/N) approached the stranger. His forehead injury suggested a severe collision.

She struggled to move him to her bedroom, her muscles straining under his weight.

The macaw swirled around her, its squawks filled with excitement and encouragement.

Finally, she laid him on her bed.

His unconscious form stirred a mix of emotions within her.

She rushed for her medical kit.
Fast breathing, possible concussion.
With steady hands, (Y/N) began treating his wounds.
Her mind's dual voices continued their debate.

"One mistake, and everything collapses," cautioned her rational side.

"But what if he's innocent?" countered her compassionate side.

For now, (Y/N) focused on saving his life.

[After some time]•••

"Done," (Y/N) said, standing up from her makeshift medical station.
The stranger's injuries were worse than she initially thought.

A gunshot wound near his collarbone.

Lucky it was just a graze, but the head wound...That's the real concern.

She turned to the macaw, perched beside its master.

"What happened?" she asked, half-joking.

The bird cocked its head, staring intently at its master. Its expression seemed almost human.

"Right, you can't talk." (Y/N) chuckled.


In the kitchen, She busied herself preparing a nourishing meal.
Something to aid the stranger's recovery.

She peeked out the window, checking for signs of life.
No authorities.
No unwanted visitors.

Her phone beckoned, forgotten on the counter.
13 notifications?

Before she could check, Kevin called.

"(Y/N), you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?"

"Nothing, just...come to Duskwood tomorrow. We need to talk."

"What's going on, Kevin?"



"Tomorrow, (Y/N). Please."

The line went dead......!

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