What. Just. Happened?

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(Y/N) collapsed onto the couch, her body writhing in agony as the period cramps gripped her like a merciless vice, relentless and unforgiving. Every fiber of her being seemed to throb with pain.

She curled up, eyes squeezed shut, and fists clenched, willing the torment to subside.

Finally, she sat up, momentarily relieved, but the reprieve was short-lived. The cramps returned, stabbing her like knives, piercing her very soul.

She slid off the couch, half-landing on the floor, her legs trembling like leaves in an autumn storm.

Her thoughts were fragmented; coherent thoughts eluded her. If someone witnessed her contorted pose, they'd think she'd lost her grip on sanity.

She heard a sound in the bedroom. (Y/N)'s agonized expression transformed as she hastened to the bedroom, her pain momentarily eclipsed by curiosity.

There he stood, the mysterious stranger, his rugged frame radiating an aura of resilience.
The macaw, now perched on his shoulder, watched her with an unblinking gaze.

(Y/N)'s cramps resurgence, a searing reminder of her vulnerability. She winced, her hand instinctively clutching her stomach.

The stranger's gaze locked onto hers.

«How could he stand there, unscathed? Hadn't he been bleeding?........... Was this man invincible?»😳

(Y/N)'s Perspective:-

''Did you help me?'' - his tone as frosty as a winter morning.

I nodded,''Yes.''

Little did he know, I was secretly screaming, 'Nature's calling, and I need to answer, pronto!' My period cramps were doing the cha cha slide, and I desperately needed a timeout.

But before I could make my escape, he grasped my wrist, his grip firm enough to make me wonder if he thought I'd vanish into thin air.

''Where do you think you're going?'' he growled, his eyes narrowing into slits.

My mind went into overdrive. How could I explain this delicate situation without dying from embarrassment?

'The food is waiting on the dining table,' I stammered, attempting to deflect.

''And don't worry, no one knows you're here.''

But he didn't let go.

«Mr. I've got a ticking time bomb in my uterus, and I need to address it, stat!»

«He didn't seem satisfied with my answers»

I thought, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

«Does he think I'm plotting an escape or poisoning his food? Oh no, what if he thinks I'm a femme fatale?»

Uffff! My cheeks flushed like a thermometer hitting 104°F.

The macaw flew off his shoulder, settling near his legs, its curious gaze piercing through me.

"Who are you?" His tone?Antarctica-cold.

"What do you want? And why did you help me?"

I stood, despite my racing heart (160 beats per minute, thanks to embarrassment).

My vocal cords vibrated, producing a barely audible whisper.

"One thing at a time, Sir!"

('Sir' seemed appropriate to me because I am not going to call him hello criminal or stranger.)

"Systemic nervousness activated. Adrenaline surge imminent."

I cleared my throat.

"Who I am? Well, that's none of your business, but...I'm a doctor."

Just the facts, ma'am.

"Occupational hazard: excessive blushing."

His piercing green gaze made my synapses misfire.

"What I want? Thanks, I want nothing from you. I'm already happy!"

My eyes darted around the room like a trapped particle.

"And for your last question, ask your Rainbow parrot, okay?"

"And yes, take these medicines." I moved forward to show the medicines kept behind him.

"Waaatchhh outtttttt!"

he screamed, his voice shattering my composure.

I quickly lifted my legs to avoid crushing the macaw.
But lost my balance. 😐😐

My arms flailed wildly, desperate to grasp something, anything, to break my fall. But it was toooo late!

I landed on something,

[After 0.9 sec]:-

Oh!😶...............I landed on him.
My body pressing against his, our faces inches apart. The impact forced the air out of my lungs, leaving me breathless.

For a moment, we froze, our eyes locked in a silent understanding. His piercing green gaze held mine, and I felt like I was drowning in its depths. I felt his warmth, his heartbeat.

The macaw's soft squawk pierced the air, breaking the spell. His chest felt solid beneath me, and I became aware of my body's position.

He hissed in pain...but his voice remained icy, "You're hurting my collarbone."

I quickly rolled off him, my face burning with embarrassment.

"S....Sorry!" I blurted, mortified.

I scrambled to my feet, my mind racing with thoughts.

What just happened?

I rushed to the washroom, locking the door behind me.
Took deep breaths.
My heart still racing.

« Calm down»

Shyness overwhelmed me.

«I just fell on a criminal...and lived to tell the tale.»

My mind echoed.

«What. Just. Happened?»

Oneday....(Duskwood fanfiction)[Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now