Tender Record 14

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I got to the turret production line easily, since my management rail never takes my anywhere dangerous. However, I hoped that the test subject would make it without any problems. 

She would have to cross the turret redemption lines without being sent into another burner. Even if she did pass the redemption lines, she would also have to get past the area where the turrets are tested. Turrets must pass two tests in order to be used in the main tests. First they must pass the aiming test, where they are tested by shooting a dummy. This would be a hazard for the test subject as she tries to cross that area because, if the turrets detected the test subject, they would try to shoot her. 

I knew that the test subject was good with her portals. So she could portal around that area. I put my worries behind me and made my way to the turret control room, where the second test for the turrets could be seen. I got to the turret control room and looked out its window to see how the second test was done. 

There was an small room, with one window, inside the turret control room. Inside this small room was a turret that was underneath a scanner. I looked outside the turret control room and saw the turret production line. Every turret that came on the line was on a small circular platform. One turret at a time came under another scanner to be tested. 

I watched the production line and the small room inside the turret control room carefully to see how the turrets where tested. 

One turret that looked normal came on the production line under the scanner. The scanner over the turret in the control room scanned it. 

"Template," the announcer said. 

"Hello," the turret in the control room responded. 

Then the scanner over the turret on the production line scanned it. 

"Response," the announcer said. 

"Hello," the turret on the production line responded, and that turret continued to move on the production line, ready to be installed in a test. 

Then an ugly, incomplete, and defective turret came on the production line. The scanner over the turret in the control room scanned that same turret again. 

"Template," the announcer said. 

"Hello," the turret said. 

Then the scanner over the defective turret on the production line scanned it. 

"Response," the announcer said. 

"Hey, how are you doing," the defective turret said, but after it spoke, the platform it was standing on launched it away into an incinerator. 

Now I saw how the second test was done and how to stop the turret production line. I would execute my plan once the test subject arrived. 

After a few minutes, I noticed the test subject coming to the turret control room on the catwalk. I came out of the turret control room to meet her. "Oh brilliant, you made it," I said. 

"Follow me," I said. 

I lead the test subject into the turret control room. 

"This is the turret control room," I said to the test subject. 

I showed her the small room with the turret inside. 

"See that scanner there," I asked the test subject. "Its deciding which turrets to keep and which to toss and its using that master turret as a template. If we pull out the template turret, it should shut down the whole production line," I explained. 

I went up the door and hacked it open. Then the test subject went into the room and removed the template turret. "Well, that should do it," I said. 

"Template missing," the announcer said. "Continuing from memory." 

The turret production line continued moving as it did before, keeping good turrets and tossing defective turrets. "Oh, it didn't work," I said. 

"Alright, lets think of a way to stop this turret line," I said. "Have you got any ideas," I asked the test subject. 

No response. 

The test subject looked at the production line from the control room. "Any ideas," I asked again. 

No response. 

"Me neither," I said. 

I continued thinking while the test subject stared at the production line. 

Later the test subject left the control room. 

"Wait, where are you going," I called to her as she left. "Oh, do you have an idea?" 

No response. 

"Okay well, just do your idea and come straight back," I said. 

I stayed in the control room and continued thinking. I didn't get any ideas. 

"Hello," I called to the test subject. "What is going on out there? You know that I'm still in here thinking very hard." 

I continued thinking of a way to shut down the production line while the test subject was outside the control room doing her idea. 

Later the test subject came back into the the control room with a defective turret. She went into the room where the template turret was and set the defective turret under the scanner inside the room. 

I began to ask the test subject, "What are you. . . " but then I realized what she was thinking. "Oh, I see," I said. "That's brilliant!" 

"New template excepted," the announcer said. The production line moved normally, but it kept defective turrets and tossed good turrets. 

"If we're lucky, GLaDOS won't realize that all of her turrets are defective until its to late," I said. 

I went to the exit of the control room, which was closed and locked, but I went outside an small opening and went the controls for the door. 

"Wait here while I hack the exit open," I told the test subject as I exited the control room. 

I got to the controls for the exit of the control room and got situated. 

"Okay, I'm about to start hacking," I told the test subject. "It should take about ten minutes." 

I began to hack the door open. I did the first step, but the computer for the door remained normal. It didn't look like I was getting anywhere. 

"This door is actually very complicated," I said to the test subject. 

All of a sudden, I felt something grab me from behind.

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