Chapter 17 : Home

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A/N : Oooo my first author's note, this is pretty exciting. First, I am so sorry this chapter took so long to come out. Life has been a bit hectic recently, and I really wanted this to be as perfect as possible, so I hope it lives up to all of the expectations <3   Second, there is a mention of a bathroom in Central Hall, and while I am completely aware that there is no such thing in game, I refuse to believe there is no bathroom in that entire side of the school, let alone at the central hub. I imagine it being where the two staircases are on either side of the library doors that lead to nowhere. Lastly, this audio is a nearly word for word reading of this chapter so you can pull it up and read along if you would like ^-^

Anyway, on with the story!

⊃🝐 ⠁⭒*.✩.*⭒⠁・。゚ . *:。・✧:*

Siren's leg bounced impatiently as the carriage swayed against the light breeze. She had been confined in that space for nearly 6 hours, and it was really starting to have a toll on her sanity. While her leg bouncing could easily be written off as an impatience to finally arrive at Hogwarts, in reality, she really had to pee. She refused however, to request for the carriage to stop as it would only delay her journey even more. They already left late that morning and had to take a detour to avoid a storm.

An audible gasp escaped her lips as the long stretch of the bridge finally came into view. Then, there was the clocktower which at the moment, seemed even more wonderful and beautiful than she remembered. Though high above the school, Siren swore she could see flashes of light from inside and she wondered if a crossed wands duel was currently underway. What day was it? The 9th of October? A Friday. A duel would be very likely, and she was convinced the flash of orange she saw was that of a confringo cast, though, she couldn't help but wonder from whose wand.

The carriage continued over to the bell tower courtyard, lowering down and landing on the cobble path in front of the large double doors. The moment the carriage stopped moving Siren flung the doors open and jumped out. She was surprised the courtyard was so empty, though she supposed it was rather close to dinner and likely that a good number of students were at Hogsmeade.

"Impatient are we?" Ms. Burton asked as she too climbed out of the carriage.

"Impatient, and in desperate need of a lavatory." Siren admitted.

"Then I won't keep you." The woman flicked her wand to remove the luggage from the carriage which was now just a suitcase and a single bag even though Siren had been provided an entire new wardrobe. It had been a gift from Ms. Burton, as was the extension charm on both the suitcase and the bag. Siren could now fit anything she could ever need in one of these two vessels.

"It's about time!" Professor Black's voice boomed over the courtyard. "You had been expected here nearly an hour ago."

"Apologies headmaster." Ms. Burton spoke up. "We had to avoid a storm and it caused us some delay. I was under the impression Professor Weasley would be meeting us?"

"Ah, well, yes. She had been held up with some duties at the ministry. Therefore, I am to get you settled. Come now, we have no time to waste." Siren rolled her eyes, an expression that the finishing school had failed to rid her of, before turning to face Ms. Burton. Without a moment's hesitation, Siren pulled her into a hug.

"I will miss you greatly. I cannot thank you enough for everything." She released her from the hug and Ms. Burton gripped her shoulders firmly.

"Should you need me, I will send an owl weekly, just have your friends show you where they had been putting their letters. I expect you to keep me to date on that as well." she motioned toward the black markings currently hidden by a scarf she had tied meticulously around her neck. The other students would likely see it, sooner or later, but she planned to put it off for as long as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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