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As the reunion approached, a whirlwind of emotions churned inside me. The prospect of seeing Andrew again, of finally facing a part of my past that I had long avoided, felt both exhilarating and terrifying. I spent the days leading up to the event in a state of anxious anticipation, trying to prepare myself for what lay ahead.

The weekend before the reunion, I returned to my childhood home. The familiarity of the house provided a strange comfort, yet the weight of the past loomed heavily over me. One night, as I sat in my old room, a surge of determination took hold. I resolved to go through Daniel's things, to confront the memories and perhaps find some semblance of closure.

With trembling hands, I opened the box of Daniel's belongings that had been packed away since his passing. Among his books, clothes, and personal effects, I found a small, weathered envelope tucked away at the bottom. My heart raced as I carefully opened it, revealing a letter written in Daniel's handwriting. It was a suicide note.

The words on the page hit me like a freight train, shattering the fragile sense of peace I had managed to build. Daniel's final message was a heartbreaking revelation. He hadn't died from hazing. Instead, the note described how he had been brutally bullied by his hazing masters after they discovered he was gay and had been in a relationship with his pre-law internship instructor. Their cruelty had driven him to a breaking point. The night after the hazing, when everyone had left the resort villa, Daniel had taken his own life.

The revelation was a gut-wrenching blow. The nightmares of Daniel's suffering, the unspoken fears and grief, all came rushing back with renewed intensity. I felt as though I was falling into a void, the weight of Daniel's pain and my own helplessness pressing down on me.

Desperate for some semblance of relief, I sought out my psychiatrist, the only person who had been able to offer me solace and understanding during my darkest days. However, when I arrived at the hospital, I learned that my doctor was no longer practicing there. I was informed that I would be referred to another doctor.

As I sat in the waiting room, my heart sank further. The anxiety and dread of facing yet another change in my fragile world were almost too much to bear. I was about to walk out when the receptionist called my name, leading me to the consultation room.

To my astonishment, as I entered the room, I was met with a familiar face—Andrew. He was now a psychiatrist, well-known and decorated with accolades. I froze, my mind racing. Andrew, who had once been a significant part of my life, was now the person I was about to entrust with my mental health.

"Callie?" Andrew's voice was filled with surprise and concern. "I didn't expect to see you here."

I struggled to find my voice, my emotions a tangled mess. "Andrew, I— I didn't know you were a psychiatrist now."

He nodded, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Yes, I've been specializing in psychiatry for the past few years. I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

The words were almost too much to process, but there was a sense of unexpected relief in seeing a familiar face. Andrew's presence was a small comfort in the midst of the chaos of my emotions.

"I... I found Daniel's suicide note," I admitted, my voice breaking. "He didn't die from hazing. He was tortured because of who he was, and then he... he took his own life."

Andrew's expression softened, and he reached out a hand in a gesture of understanding. "I'm so sorry, Callie. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you."

I handed the envelope to Andrew, who accepted it with a gentle nod, his expression a mixture of concern and curiosity. He carefully opened the letter and began to read.

My Dearest Callie,

I don't know how to start this letter to you, my best friend, my confidante. You've always been the one person I could trust with everything, but even now, I struggle to say what's been weighing on my heart for so long. I need to tell you the truth, and it breaks me to admit that I've kept so much from you.

I find it so hard to put into words the pain and shame I've carried within me. I've always been afraid of disappointing our father, a man who holds such rigid beliefs. The thought of revealing who I truly am to him was unbearable. I kept my true self hidden, even from you and the rest of our family. It felt like living a double life, forever concealing the most authentic parts of myself.

Whenever I was with Carlson, the love of my life, I felt a fleeting joy, a rare moment of happiness that I could never fully share with anyone else. We had to hide our relationship, always cautious and fearful of what might happen if anyone found out. It was a cruel irony that my greatest source of happiness was also a secret that gnawed at me, filling me with an ever-present dread.

When Carlson and I broke up, the fear of exposure became overwhelming. He was pushed to reveal our relationship to one of his fraternity friends, and I was paralyzed by fear of how my father would react. The very thought of being disowned or ridiculed made me choose a path of silence, and I ended things with Carlson abruptly, hoping to protect myself from the storm that was bound to follow.

I regret not being able to share the joy and love I felt with him, and I regret the fear that has controlled my life. Now, with everything unraveling, I am left with no escape from the torment of hiding who I am.

You're my best friend, Cal. I just wish I could've been as honest with you as you've always been with me.

Forgive me, Callie, for leaving you with this burden. I wish things could have been different.

Love always,


As he read, I could see the shift in his demeanor—the way his brows furrowed, the deepening of his frown. It was clear that the letter was deeply affecting him.

When he finished, Andrew looked up at me, his eyes filled with empathy and sorrow. "Callie, I'm so sorry. I had no idea Daniel was going through all this. Thank you for sharing this with me."

I nodded, feeling a strange sense of relief. "I thought it was important for you to understand what really happened, and... maybe to help me make sense of it all. I've been struggling to cope with the truth."

Andrew placed the letter gently on the table, his gaze never leaving mine. "We'll work through this together," he said softly. "I'm here for you."

I began to recount the events and the deep pain that had resurfaced, I realized that Andrew's role in my life had taken an unexpected turn. Despite the years of separation and the unresolved feelings between us, there was a shared understanding of grief and healing that bridged the gap.

Andrew listened attentively, offering support and insights that felt both professional and deeply personal. His empathy and the expertise he had developed over the years provided a sense of validation and comfort.

The session was emotionally exhausting, yet oddly cathartic. As I stepped out of the consultation room, a small glimmer of hope flickered within me—a hope I hadn't felt in a long time. Perhaps, with Andrew's help, I could finally start to find some resolution, to untangle the mess of emotions I'd buried for so long. The road ahead remained uncertain, but for the first time, it didn't feel quite so overwhelming. Reconnecting with Andrew, facing our shared past, and seeking the closure I'd been avoiding for years—it all felt like the right path. Maybe healing was possible after all.

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