Thanks for taking the time to read this book! I hope you all like it and if you have any complaints plz let me know!
(Ashley Benson in the pic btw)August 27th, 2015
Buildings and people. That's all I see here. In Dallas there's at least trees and animals everywhere. I would never tell my mum that I hate it here all ready.She has been through a lot in the past month. My father is a CEO of a some company I don't give a shit about. He cheated on my mum with his assistant. I never really liked my father though. He was never there for me, he was just there sitting down, always holding his phone, not giving a damn about his family.
My mum is a writer. She moved to Dallas at first to find inspiration. She claims we are moving to Manhattan for inspiration too but I can tell she just doesn't want to see my father anymore.
I have been dazing out for hours now, only paying attention in my music and my surroundings.
"Here we are" my mum says all sweetly and kindly. Her long brown hair is all frizzed up and in her face. I open my door and the car air is now somewhat fresh air. Even though there are no trees in sight. I look around and only sees apartments. Brown bricked apartments with people crawling all over the streets.
"We live in an apartment" I ask. I grab my main bag out of the passenger seat and sling it over my shoulders.
"We live in A13. It's one of the biggest in the whole building" my mum shrieks. Obviously proud of this minor accomplishment.
"Which building, there's five of them" I know my attitude is over the charts and it's showing I already don't like this town but I put a huge smile on my face.
"The one on your right dear" I turn to my right and see one of the prettier buildings.
"I saw the high school down the long street so" I walk down the street and stop at a pizza store with people lining up outside. I count the buildings on the side of the street. Three buildings and my building is the second one.
"Come on dear, we have to start unpacking. The movers had our stuff in the apartment for sometime now"
I start heading back to the apartment. I close my passenger door on the car and headed inside.
The apartment in the inside doesn't look so bad. It's still the brownish, red brick walls and there are wooden floors instead of carpet.
"We are upstairs, do you remember the number" my mother asks.
"A13 I do believe" I replied. Mum nods and walks up the stairs. Even the stairs are unusual. They are metal with holes on the bottom.
Note: do not walk around bare foot.
Walking up the stairs I can feel my legs getting tired already. These are very steep stairs. Well at least I am get a work out for just getting to my room. We reach the top of the apartment and see there are only A13 and A14.
We walk to A13. I stand and wait for mother to unlock the door with her key. After a couple of minuets, she unlocks the door and finally I have the chance to see our "house".
"Wait" my mother says before I walked in. She digs in her pocket and fishes out a heart shaped key. "This is the key to the house. I had it decorated just for you. I always loved your sense of adventure so I thought this can be our new story together" my mum starts to cry. I hug her tightly and let go a little to quick to see my mum's tears.
"Well, shall we see our house or what" my mum jokes. I nod and turn my head slightly. I walk in and I automatically notice the huge window in the living room.

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