{SS} Chapter 3 - New Home

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Siren's Point Of View:

I exited the car that took me from the court to somewhere else. "Is this the prison?" I asked one of the guards, but he only looked at his friend and gave me a short glance, not saying a word. They separated the males from us, and we were led to a room with only 5 female guards.

"Take off your pants, turn around, and crawl" One of them said. "What's going on?" I asked the girl next to me. She had a soft scar next to her eye and short buzzed blond hair. "Just do as they say" She responded and took off her pants. It was emebrrasing, but I turned around and took off my pants. I crawled on the floor and hoped nobody judged my naked butt. "Cough" A guard came next to me and said. I coughed and heard everyone else do as well. Then, they led us into a long bus. A guard helped me get on to it, and I sat down next to a random girl. All the windows were blocked, we couldn't see a thing. The girl next to me fell asleep, and I found myself staring at the ceiling out of boredom. Then I couldn't ignore a girl to my left, she was staring at me. "Can I help you?" I asked her "I can't believe I'm seeing you here. They finally caught you" She said and chuckled "What?" I replied, shocked by her words "Who are you?" I asked her, my gaze hardened "Seriously. Don't you remember me?" She asked "No I would've remembered you your face is interesting, not in a good way though" I said and laughed "Rodriguez" She said and my eyes widened "WHAT" I choked. A member of the Rodriguez... here with me in prison. She will murder me the second she finds something to do it with. No no, take my words back... she would do it with her bare hands the second we get there. "Look" She said and sighed "Let's put the past behind us. Prison is our enemy, not each other" She said and smiled, I nodded in response. "How much time did you get?" I asked her "10 years" She said. "Oh that sucks..." I replied "Yeah..." She said. The bus stopped, and we got out. And then I saw it... Prison.

It looked like I thought it will. Big gray bulding, with bars instead of windows. I got in through a gate, and they gave me my uniform. An orange uniform with my name on it. We had a white tank top under it. I got into the filming room and they took a photo of my face. Then, we actually got into the prison. We met there a nice girl, named Grace. Everyone wore a different uniform, it was dark blue. She said that in a week we will get them, and then we actually don't count as newbies. She showed everyone where they will be staying, and gave us toothbrushes and everything we need. She showed us around prison, apperanetaly everyone shower together, by races, that means the latinas have their own bathrooms, the white girls also have their own ones, and the black people. Some of the toilet cells don't have any doors, and the ones that have are filled with lesbians having sex. We all must wake up at 9am, and go to sleep at 11pm max. In a week, we will start our work, we can pick which one we want from the list. I got into my cell, and placed my things there. My cell was filled with older women, and just a one 16 old looking girl that was napping. "Hello honey" One of them greeted me and I smiled at her. "What's your name?" She asked "Siren" I respnded and she laughed "In here, our name is our last name" She said "Oh" I chuckled "Walker" I said.

It was already 11 pm, so we went to sleep. It was already 9am, the bed was tough and I didn't get enough sleep. "Morning Inmate" One of the guards said as he was searching the room. i woke up confused, not being used to this view "Oh uh... morning sir" I said. "What are you searching for?" I asked in curiousity "Any offenisve items. We do this every morning" He said. "If we're talking about it... Do you have any offensive items in here?" He asked and put his eyes on mines "Uh... toothbrush is the only thing I got" I chuckled "Alright, thank you" He said and left. "Oh" He came back "I forgot" He giggled "You have a chat today with Mr.Zagros" He said. "Who?" I asked "Just go to office after breakfast" He said and walked away. I fixed my hair and went to eat. "Are you jewish?" The inmate that was giving the food asked, she had a tag on her shirt, it said "Lorenzo".

"No?" I replied "Why?" I asked "Doesn't matter, jews just get kosher food that's it" She said and rolles her eyes "Oh okay" I said and took my food. All the tables were full, I didn't know where to sit... And then, a tall dark skined girl pushed me onto the floor, taking away my food. "What the fuck?" I said while getting up "Sorry I'm big, I need extra food" she said and chuckled. I sighed.

Before I ended up in prison, I've actually read about it. Even if you do the slightiest thing, that other inmates may find intimidating, you'll become a target. We all know what happenes to targets. Yes I did some messed up shit before, but I'm not a murderer or a trouble maker. So I have one rule in here: Low Profile. "Oh... crap" I got up. A girl came by and helped me, it was Grace I've met before. She has a unique accent. "I'm sorry about her, new inmate!" She said. "It's fine" I said and smiled "Come sit with us" She said and led me towards her table. Four people were there, A ginger girl named Matias, a blonde girl named West and a black haired girl named Pusay. Weird name. I'm still not used to the last name thingy... but ugh I don't have a choice. Okay. "So what are you in for?" Matias asked "Meh just messed up shit" I said. I didn't want to explain the whole story "They said that you got in because of mafia bullshit, is that true?" Grace asked "Yeah..."
I responded "you'll get used to it in here" Pusay said "Eventually" Grace said. "The first days may be hard, but the start is the worst" West said. "Thank you" I said and smiled. It was the end of the breakfast, and I went to my cell. 

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