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Dicen que la morriña es aquel sentimiento que tienes cuando dejas tu hogar de toda la vida atrás para viajar lejos. Sin embargo, para mi morriña tambien es el sentimiento que se instala en tu interior cuando te vas de un lugar, que aunque no sea tu casa, te hayas sentido como en ella. Ese sentimiento que te inunda cuando dejas algo amado atrás para irte a otro aunque sea para regresar al sitio que te vio crecer.


It is said that morriña is that feeling that you have when you leave your home behind to travel really far. However, for me morriña is also the feeling that grows inside you when you leave a place that, even though it is not your home, you feel like it. That feeling that flows in you when you move on from a beloved, please to go to another one even in spite of the fact that it is for going back to the place you have been raised in.

A 1000 MILES (POEMARIO/ POEM BOOK)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora